Last modified 01/20/2024

sympathy thank you notes,funeral thank you notes,thank you quotes for sympathy messages & condolences,how to write a thank you note after a funeral,thank you for your condolencesFull collection of condolence thank you messages

When somebody we love passes away or dies, it is one of the saddest moments in our lives.

However, the messages of condolence we receive from our relatives and friends do help us get over this sad news. Hard as it is, we must not forget to thank all those people who were with us in such a difficult time, even if it is with words.
Surely, it will difficult for you to write a thank you note, especially after losing somebody so dear.

Download condolences thank you phrases

– Thank you, cousins, for your sincere words. As you all say, there is one more angel in heaven now, and though I cannot see my parents again, I know they will always take care of me.
Category :Thank you condolence text message

– My friend, thank you for your words. I know you are outside the country, but I am grateful for all your support despite the distance. Extend my thanks to your mother and your sister, who helped me deal with this great pain from afar.
Category :Thank you condolence text message

– Thank you for having been my father´s best friend. Thank you for having been with him in good times and bad times. Thank you for all your affection to my father and my family.
Category :Thank you condolence text message

– Thank you, my friends, for your words of encouragement and for your company. I know all of you will also miss my mother. She will take care of you all from heaven.
Category :Thank you condolence text message

– Thank you for being with us on such a sad moment in our lives. I know you always were my sister’s best friend and she loved you very much. I hope you will still come home to visit us, as you will always be a part of our family.
Category :Thank you condolence text message

– My dear aunt, I know how painful my mother’s death is for you, and I would like to thank you for having been with her always. I love you very much.
Category :Thank you condolence text message

– Thank you for your sincere words. And from above, I am sure my grandmother thanks you for being so kind to me.
Category :Thank you condolence text message

– I know very well that this is a great loss for you too and that it will be very hard for you to get over it. Thank you for your affection, we must stay together now more than ever.
Category :Thank you condolence text message

– Thank you, aunts and uncles. Do not worry because I am strong, and I know my father will always be with me. Some day we will be together again. God bless you all.
Category :Thank you condolence text message

– My dear cousin, thank you for sharing this painful loss with me. I know how important my mother was for you and I know how much you will miss her. I also hope you will remember that you can always count on me, now more than ever.
Category :Thank you condolence text message

– You are right, my friend, my uncle is resting now and from above he will take care of all of us, even you. Take care and thanks for your affection.
Category :Thank you condolence text message

– Something that does comfort me in such a sad moment in my life is having your friendship. Thank you for everything. Thank you for always being with me, even in such painful days as these.
Category :Thank you condolence text message

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Tags :
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