Last modified 01/20/2024

condolences verses for Facebook, condolences wordings for FacebookPhrases to offer condolences on Facebook

We all know that death cannot be avoided, and that all human beings are going to have to go through that at some point, but when it happens, it always causes sadness to family and friends.

It is very sad when a loved one dies, because just the idea of knowing that we will not see that special person anymore is something that we cannot resist, so we should take advantage of good times with our loved ones because we do not know when God would decide to call someone from our family or friends.

It is also sad when a person we love loses a close relative; our duty as friends is to give him all the support we can, so sadness will not be so big for him and we will let him know that he has people around him who will bring him all their support.

Free list of phrases to offer condolences:

:: “I know you are going through a very difficult time, and that life is testing you, do not lose your faith and you will see that the pain in your heart will begin to disappear, you have my friendship and affection, my condolences”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “It gives me deep sadness to see you so sad because of the death of your best friend, I can only tell you that she is now with God and in a beautiful place, her soul will always be with you, always present in your life ”
Category :condolences messages
:: “I know that losing the person you loved the most is one of the worst things a person can go through, but God decided that and leaved you in the earth but not to be sad , you have to be strong and overcome it, my deepest condolences ”
Category :condolences messages
:: “It is very difficult to accept that the person you loved with all your heart is gone, but you would get better if you remember the good times you had with her, doing this you will see that little by little your spirit will find peace, my deepest condolences”
Category :condolences messages
:: “Sometimes I do not understand why life is the way it is, when we lose a loved one , it gives us a lot of pain, you have my deepest condolences dear friend and I will be with you to help you calm your sadness ”
Category :condolences messages
:: “I know you did not have chance to say goodbye to that person you loved so much, she knows you could not do it, but from the sky she hears you, so tell him everything you want, my deepest condolences”
Category :condolences messages
:: “Losing the love of your life is very painful, so I give you my condolences. I think she is looking at you from heaven and she does not want to see you suffering, she wants you to move on, try to do it and look for happiness”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “The death of a loved one always brings sadness but that does not mean that has to paralyze our life, we must be strong, face it and continue with the goals we have, I support you in this sad moment dear friend I promise I will be with you to help you get up ”
Category :condolences messages

You will see that these sentences will make the person who has just lost a loved one feel better, and it will help him to find peace, use them.


Send your originals Sms, text, text messages, quotes, condolences messages , and will be published, others friends will thank you .

condolences messages for Facebook, condolences phrases for Facebook, condolences poems for Facebook, condolences quotations for Facebook, condolences for Facebook, good condolences texts for Facebook, condolences texts for Facebook, condolences thoughts for Facebook, condolences verses for Facebook, condolences wordings for Facebook

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