Last modified 10/07/2023

free disappointment texts, download disappointment textsNew disappointment texts

In the world we live in it is always necessary to have happiness and also sadness, and throughout our lives we will be experiencing a little of both. If at this point you are experiencing grief due to a love disappointment, a fight with a friend or with your family or problems with your studies, among others, you can let those feelings come out so that you feel a little better. From the texts we offer you below, share the ones you feel most identified with through social networks.

Free examples of disappointment texts:

:: “You swore so much love to me, but in the end I realized that I was just one more person in your life, all that time wasted, it is such a disappointment for me”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “I am surprised by the people who called themselves my friends that went away when I needed them”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “So much effort for nothing, I sometimes feel that life is not fair, but I will not give up”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “It is sad to know that there are people capable of betraying their loved ones. There is more and more evil in this world nowadays”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “I never imagined how much pain could be caused when your partner cheated on you, when I discovered that you were cheating on me, it was like getting stabbed”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “Now you say you do not want to lose me, well you should have thought of that before you caused me so much pain”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “I was a fool to believe everything you told me, today I realize that I can never trust anyone”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “It is discouraging to know that the only thing that matters for many people is money; it seems that being a good person is not worth it”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “I am disappointed that there are people who pretend to be good, but actually have a heart of stone”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “When I see so many hypocritical people I feel discouraged and wonder why they pretend to be something they are not”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “What outrages me the most is realizing that all this time you were pretending to love me out of interest”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “So far I cannot understand why I blindly trusted you, however the pain has made me a stronger person”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “Sometimes you only know the good side of people, but we get to know how they really are in difficult situations”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “All this time you were mocking me, but I will not do anything because life alone will be responsible for making you pay for everything you did to me”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “I was very disappointed when I realized that your friendship was false, you just came near me to conquer my boyfriend”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “I only ask you to forget about me, pretend that I do not exist because I never want to hear from you, especially now that I have discovered more of your lies”.
Category: disappointment texts
:: “You did not care about the friendship there was between us, you placed your personal interest above all and you betrayed me in the worst way”.
Category: disappointment texts

You will realize that once you publish the text you chose you will feel a little better and you will start receiving the support of many people. Do not forget to come back to our page for more texts that are perfect for every occasion.

Image courtesy of “David Castillo Dominici” /

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