Last modified 01/16/2024

birthday, happy birthday, birthday messagesNice birthday messages for a fifteen years old girl

If one of your girl friends will soon be celebrating her fifteen years, do not forget to send her your greetings for this special event in her life. Up next we present you a congratulations list of messages you can send for your friend’s sweet fifteen.

Check our article and choose the phrase you like best and dedicate it either through Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, or by an SMS message or by the means you prefer, the important thing is that she knows that you wish her all the best.

Free list of birthday messages for a fifteen years old girl:

:: “My dear friend, today has finally arrived the most awaited day of your life. I hope you have a nice birthday and I will be by your side in your party to celebrate with you to the fullest”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “Karina, you are a very good friend and so, how could I not greet you on such an important day for you. I hope you have a memorable fifteen years old celebration”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “You are a lovely and the dearest teenager around the room who is turning fifteen. I wish you all the best today you are celebrating your 15 springs. Always remember that you can count on me for anything”.
Category :birthday messages
:: “Since our childhood we have been very good friends. It is a great joy that today you are celebrating your fifteen years. I hope that this day everything that you expect and that you have a lot of fun with all the people who love you”.
Category :birthday messages
:: “You were present in my fifteen years celebrations and so I will be present in yours. Have a beautiful day Valeria. I love you and we will always be very close”.
Category :birthday messages
:: “Dear little friend, I just want to say that I am as excited as you because today we are going to have so much fun celebrating your fifteen years birthday. May God bless you and may all of your dreams come true”.
Category :birthday messages
:: “The fifteen years celebration is one of the most important birthdays in the life of every woman. Today begins a new phase in your life and I want to wish you all the best. I send you a big hello and a hug”.
Category :birthday messages
:: “I always saw far away the day of your fifteenth birthday and today the date has reached us to celebrate this important event in your life with all the people who love you . Many congratulations dear Erika, today is a day to remember”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “What a joy to be with you on this special day. All your family and friends will be with you during your party to celebrate your fifteen years. You are an excellent companion and that is why I appreciate you so much”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “I cannot believe that we have grown and that now you are celebrating your fifteen years. We know each other since we entered school and this friendship is something that I treasure very much. Many congratulations on this day dear Paula”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “Natalia, have a happy fifteen years old birthday, may the Lord bless you always so you can have a successful life . I wish you all the best and I will remember with joy this day for the rest of my life”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “My friend, I want to tell you that you are someone very important to me. By your side I have lived the best moments of my life and I thank you because you are always willing to listen. Have a memorable and happy fifteenth birthday”.
Category :birthday messages

We hope you have liked these congratulation messages for the fifteen years of my friend. Use them to send a nice message to your special friend for her birthday.

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