Last modified 01/19/2024

single sms, single texts, single thoughtsSingle messages for Facebook

If you have not been able to find the love of your life yet, you should not feel bad because sooner or later it will show up your life and until that day comes you can enjoy being single. Moreover, if you analyze the situation, you will be able to realize that by not having a partner you can go to the places you want, anytime you want without later have to explain anything.

If you are one of the people who are happy about being single, you can share your feelings on Facebook through some of the phrases we bring you below. Update your status with the one you like the most and have all your contacts understand you better and know the reasons why you enjoy being single.

Free list of single messages for Facebook:

:: “The essence of my happiness is to be able to live my own freedom without feeling tied or bound by anyone, share this phrase if you think the same”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “I had to experience the sadness of the pain of betrayal to realize that I had made a mistake, it is better to be alone than to suffer next to a person who does not deserve my love”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “It is true that there is no age for love and so I am not going to worry yet to find it, in the meantime I will enjoy being single”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “If I was tied to a person I would not feel as happy as I am now, I am happily enjoying being single”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “When people ask me about my current relationship status, I reply “married to loneliness”., “like” if you enjoy being single”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “Enjoy your singleness if you are single by conviction, but not if you are looking for that special someone in your life and you do not find it”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “Enjoy your singleness doing things that you would not be able to do if you had someone to answer to”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “I know that all of those who regret for having chosen the wrong person and now suffer because of that will understand me, I should have enjoyed being single instead”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “Being single does not mean being doomed to unhappiness, if you are in this stage, enjoy it while it lasts”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “Do not worry about me or the fact that I am single, I like to live my life without asking anyone’s permission or having to answer to anyone, that is my happiness”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “ I cannot deny that sometimes I feel like I am running alone, but then I remember how most couples I know end up and I feel much better being single”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “Being single is also a lifestyle that many people like, so respect my decision and do not get mortified to see me like this”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “I suffered many defeats in love and I finally understood that I must give myself some time to pamper and be happy”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “I know women very well and because of this reason I made the decision to remain single, now I live in a more peaceful way and I feel better”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “Like if you are single and you feel calm about it and are happy to remain being single”.
Category :single messages for Facebook
:: “I do not get jealous seeing the life of those people who are married but I know of many married people who would like to be single like me”.
Category :single messages for Facebook

By sharing one of these phrases on your Facebook wall you will make it very clear to many people that you feel well and enjoy your singleness, you will receive many comments and “likes.

Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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