Last modified 01/19/2024

worker's day phrases, worker's day sms, worker's day textsNice worker’s day phrases

Many of us have necessities to cover, objectives to fulfill, family to support and aspirations of a better quality of life, for all of these we work harder. This effort must not be forgotten, that’s why the worker’s day exists. No matter the kind of complication of the job, we all deserve one day to celebrate our valuable effort.

We celebrate this important day the first day of May of each year.
If you are thinking about to send greetings to your friends and family that have the bliss of counting with a job, you can use as an example the next phrases that we bring. You can send them by a text message or by the social media of your preference.

Free list of worker’s day phrases:

:: “I wish that you spend a happy worker’s day. Definitively today is your day, for being the most hard worker man that I know”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “Every year, a day as today, we recognize the effort of the people that they gain their life. Forget the work today and spend a relaxed day, keep being as we all know you”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “Happy worker’s day, mother. There is no better example than you to show what really means working harder to obtain what you want. You are a pride for the family, so you deserve this and many more days of recognizing”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “To all those people who dedicate to work for improving their life conditions, I send them a regard and some words of encouragement to never lose the road that guided you”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “This day of recognition is just one representative day of many other in which your work means really much for the people who share with you. Happy worker’s day”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “The worker’s day is really a significant day that represents the whole days in which one strives much to harvest success. Let’s feel proud of this special day. Happy worker’s day”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “The work makes dignified the man, is the message that we all must have in mind and in the heart to keep working for the people we love”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “If you don’t count with a job now, don’t worry, you only need to trust in your skills and take a risk to take a job that challenges your capabilities. If you don’t find it, he will find you. If you have work, say thanks. I wish you the best in this special day for us”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “So much effort deserves a great celebration, friends. Let’s celebrate because today is our great day and we all deserve it”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “Working hard during the week must have a reward and today is an example that we must seize to celebrate so many success reached”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “Make us feel good that our work is recognized, lets strive to always be the best in what we do. Happy worker’s day to all who read this!”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “I wish from the deepest of my heart to all the workers who read this, spend a happy day and be honored as you deserve, for showing us to be better every day”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “To all my friends who don’t stop of working, except today, I wish you the best always and spend a nice worker’s day”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “There is nothing better than feel that the man’s work is useful for many and be recognized as indispensable. I know that many of you have harvested much success and for that you deserve a day of celebration, today. Happy worker’s day!”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “To all my friends and family who keep a dignified work, I send them a hug and all my good vibes to spend a worker’s day, you deserve it!”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “There is no harder work than yours: being the soul of your home. You deserve more than anybody a day like today and many more”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

:: “Thanks to your perseverance and good will you have kept a work that makes you dignified. We are very proud of you, dad! I hope that you could spend an unforgettable day”.
Category :worker’s day phrases

Remember that is important that you show to your friends and family that you are interested in their well and they can always count with you to keep moving forward.

Image courtesy of “stockimages” /

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