Last modified 01/20/2024

condolences Phrases,someone's death,passing away phrasesCondolences Phrases:

When someone close to us dies, sadness and sorrow are painful, unavoidable and expected emotions. It is true that we know life has an end, but this does not keep us from feeling bad when someone dear leaves us.

Therefore, we have thought of some condolence phrases for a death that can be used in these sad situations in everybody’s lives.

Free samples of condolences phrases :

:: “Death only takes away the physical part, the body. A person’s main part, the soul, will live in our hearts”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “It is true that losing him hurts us. We will always miss him and we are sure he is now peacefully in heaven”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “There is no way we can understand the reason he is no longer with us, this always happens in life. He will be forever in peace”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “Do not let sadness for his passing away invade us. We must accept he is in peace now and he was happy when he was with us”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “Losing him has cast a shadow on our souls. We must understand life has a beginning and an end. He was immensely happy while he was with us”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “Everything about his was unique: the way he laughed, his gaze and his special character were all unforgettable. We are very sad now, but remembering all the good times we had and shared will give us serenity”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “His absence does not mean we will forget him, because he did unforgettable things”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “Our current sadness is immense, but our affection will grow because you will always live inside us”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “Nothing I can say or do will sooth your pain now. But I want you to know death sometimes calms those in more pain”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “It is normal to be sad because he left. We must be strong and be glad because his suffering has finally ended, his disease is gone and he is in peace now”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “Not having someone you love with you forever is very difficult and sad. Let us hope and have a will to go on with joy, like he/she used to”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “When I found out he had died, I felt life had come to a halt and nothing made sense. Today I accept this is one more challenge to overcome in my life”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “When we prepared him for this step by closing his eyes, we all knew nothing would be the same again. Let us remember what he always said: Be happy, you only live once”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “What we are living today is hard to take. I know you know I am available for whatever you need. We must stay together in difficult times”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “When a new day starts, nobody knows who will leave us. Sometimes we cannot understand God’s will, and we must learn to accept someone dear is no longer with us”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

:: “Death’s inevitable shadow wraps up our whole family today. With dawn will come the light of hope that will sooth our pain”.
Category :Condolences Phrases

We hope these condolence phrases will sooth your great pain for the death of someone so dear to you.

Image: Exsodus /

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Condolences Phrases,condolences Phrases,sadness,sorrow,painful,someone’s death,sad situation,heaven,passing away phrases,god’s will,death,peace

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