Last modified 01/24/2024

What to say to someone
who’s very sad

Find best messages to stop crying
Searching for best comforting text messages , stop crying Whatsapp text messages, What to say when someone is very sad , comforting phrases for friends ? .

We all cried at some point in our lives. Sometimes we cry with emotion, but usually tears come out caused by sad moments.

The causes or reasons that can make you cry are diverse: the death of a relative or a loved one, end of a relationship with your partner, the departure of close friends, among many other things.

Anyway, seeing someone cry also transmits his sadness, because nobody wants to see suffering the people one loves. If you are in a situation like this, do not worry, in this article you will read some statements that will help you calm who you see is sad.

Send these phrases to your closest friends if they are sad and we assure you that you will help them remove the sadness.Find best phrases to stop crying

Comforting phrases
to make a friend feel better

:: “Bad times seem long, cry now, let it go, tomorrow you will be more eager to start again”
Category :Phrases to stop crying

:: “Stop crying for someone who does not deserve you, when he realize what kind of person he lost, he will not stop crying”
Category :Phrases to stop crying

:: “Death touches us all, sooner or later, it is normal to feel sorry now, but unfortunately you cannot turn back time. Make an effort to overcome the problem and continue your life ”
Category :Phrases to stop crying

:: “Cry all night just brought you more sadness and it is not fair for you that happens all this, you now know that you should not trust someone just for his pretty face and his words of love”.
Category :Phrases to stop cryingFind comforting phrases for a friend

Encouraging phrases

:: “I know you cry for a cause and the tears in your eyes are inevitable, but be strong and prove you’re a real man, in this moment you are tested with life”
Category : Encouraging phrases

:: “If you keep crying, use your tears into something useful, because crying for someone who never gave a sincere love, is just losing your time”
Category : Encouraging phrases

:: “The pain I feel to see you cry is intense, but I managed to overcome it and I also want you overcome your pain, and I know you can do it, I’m here to help you”
Category : Encouraging phrases

:: “Pets are a very important part in our lives, are our most loyal friends, their departure is never easy to overcome, but it helps to remember the fact that they gave us happiness when they were with us”
Category : Encouraging phrasesDownload best encouraging phrases for a friend

Comforting text messages
for hard times

:: “It is inevitable that we go through bad times which make us cry, but do not waste your tears on something that does not worth it, look forward and continue your way”
Category : Comforting text messages

:: “You’re still young to suffer for love, save your tears and do not lose control of your life, someone better will appear for you”
Category : Comforting text messages

:: “Crying is good to relieve the pain, but doing it all the time would sink you into depression and you will not come to any solution”
Category : Comforting text messages

These phrases are useful when you want to stop seeing suffer someone you consider important in your life. We hope you liked them and they might be useful to calm your friends in bad moments.Get best encouraging quotes for a friend

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