Last modified 01/16/2024

birthday texts, birthday thoughts, happy birthdayNice birthday messages for your friend

Many of us have come to say “Happy Birthday”. for occasions where you need to say it, but few are the ones who really understood what it really encompasses this sentence. This phrase dedicate the birthday wishes and show our sincere friendship towards our friend, who is meeting years.

If the birthday of one of your friends is coming soon, do not forget to send a message showing how much you estimate him. In this section we have a list of messages that you can use to send good wishes for birthday through any means available, SMS, social media and Smartphone applications.

Free list of birthday messages for a friend:

:: “People as interesting as you are hard to find. No need to have money to have a good time, for that reason I consider you as a brother and I hope this birthday becomes the best. I send you a big hug and the best wishes”.
Category :birthday messages for a friend

:: “Dear friend, I hope you to have a unique birthday, and that all good wishes are reflected in the good experiences you have. Receive a big hug and a sincere birthday greetings”.
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “I remember when we played as children. We are now part of life, but never forget our essence. We appreciate you, my friend and I hope you have a fabulous birthday”.
Category :birthday messages for a friend

:: “Since we met, we lived together good experiences that have made us grow and become better people. Today is your birthday and what I most want is to always keep the good energy that characterizes you. Happy Birthday! ”
Category :birthday messages for a friend

:: “You have been with me in the worst moments of my life, when nothing seemed to make sense; you made me focus in my life from another perspective. I appreciate that and many other things that make you my best friend. I wish you well and I want you to have the best Birthday”.
Category :birthday messages for a friend

:: “Friends like you are few, the unconditional support I have received from you is invaluable. So I send you a big hug and heartfelt birthday greeting. Pass it as you deserve, fine! ”
Category :birthday messages for a friend

:: “Friendship is always a reflection that things can be done well and true caring relationships thrive by creating an atmosphere of happiness. I appreciate much, friend and wish you to have a birthday that you will never forget”.
Category :birthday messages for a friend

:: “The years have not spent in vain, our friendship is getting stronger over the years. You taught me that if happiness is not shared, it is not happiness, and I want to wish you my best wishes on this special as today, on your birthday”.
Category :birthday messages for a friend

We hope you will be eager to send one of these messages to your friends on their birthdays. We are sure that the answer will be positive.

Image courtesy of “digitalart” /

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