Last modified 01/16/2024

birthday thoughts, friend, happy birthdayHappy birthday messages for your friend

Our friends cheer up our existence in this world and that is why celebrating special moments with them, such as birthdays, take a special meaning.

Girls like to receive small details such as small notes and text messages through social networks. So if you have a girl friend who is celebrating one more year you can greet and congratulate her on her wall posting one of the happy birthday messages we offer you down below.

Choose the one you like the most or choose one and change something to make it more personal and add your inspiration on it.

Free list of birthday messages for friends:

:: “Happy Birthday dear friend! I appreciate you and thank you for giving me your friendship. May all your wishes be fulfilled”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “ 18 years ago you came into this world to fill the hearts of everyone around you with happiness. I am fortunate to know you and to be your friend. Have a beautiful birth day and may the joy of this day be with you for the rest of the year”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “It is your birthday, but I have received the best gift because I have your friendship. I am very grateful to you because you are a good friend. I love you and I wish you have a lot of joy in your life”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “I have known since a long time ago and I know that you are someone very special. I am very happy to have your friendship and in this special day that you are celebrating another year of life I want to tell you that I wish you all the happiness in the world”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “Many congratulations on your birthday dear friend. I want to thank you for always supporting me and having my back. I ask God to bless you and enlighten your way so that you can always be happy”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “Celebrating one more year is a very important event, especially when the companion is someone as special as you. Dear friend I want to tell you that I wish you all the best and may God give you a lot of years of life for us to continue enjoying our friendship”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “ I wish you a memorable birthday. May happiness and joy always accompany you. I love you, thanks for being such a great friend”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “Today, the special day in which you are celebrating one more year of life I want to tell you that I wish you much happiness in your life. May all your dreams come true and may you enjoy pleasant moments with your family”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “I love being your friend and on this special day we will celebrate in style because you are fulfilling another year of life. May all your dreams come true! ”
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “ God gives us more years of life so we can enjoy the company of all the people we love . Today I am very happy to have your friendship and to be celebrating your birthday with you. Congratulations appreciated friends! ”
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “I hope you can have a memorable birthday and that every year of your life you can be happier. I love you and I hope all your dreams come true”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “ Angels are special people like you. Dear friend, thank you very much for always accompanying me in the most difficult moments of my life. On this day, in which you are celebrating another year of life, I want to tell you that I wish much happiness in your life”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “Without good friends, my whole life would be very boring . I want to thank you for always being with me and such a great friend. Have a nice birthday”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “ On such an important day for you , I want to tell you that I am very happy to be your friend. I hope you have a cute birthday and may the Lord bless your life forever”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “May God allow you to be with us for many years because you are someone special who we love so much . Congratulations on your birthday appreciated friend, I love you”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “Many congratulations on your birthday. May all your dreams come true and may we always have a beautiful friendship”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “Having friends like you is a great gift from heaven. I hope this day can be memorable and that God always fills your life with many blessings”.
Category :birthday messages for friends

When your friend receives one of these messages she will feel very happy and blessed to have a friend like you.

Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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