Last modified 01/25/2024

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There is nothing more important in life than having a good health, as this allows us to do all the things we like, make us happy, spending our time properly and, moreover, it is something extremely valuable to the extent in which we are able to keep it.

Being healthy allows us to do everything and make a living, which is quite difficult when we are sick. Likewise, if we are working, we must be healthy so that the things we do go well for us, for health gives us the skills, the attention we need and the opportunity to learn more and develop ourselves in the field of our choice.

Sadly, when we are ill or have difficulties in this field, we are deprived of one of the greatest privileges that are given to us by health and among them is the ability to learn new things, having a broader perspective, venturing into the unknown and exploring new routes, breathe fresh air. As for work, the scenario is quite similar, because we cannot develop ourselves properly, we do fewer things, we feel more tired and our productivity is strongly affected.

If you were working and your health does not let you keep doing it, no matter if it is a physical or mental issue that is causing you discomfort, what its best for you is that you take some time to rest, because doing otherwise could be harmful to your life and work, reducing your performance because the disease will bring you a labor sentence, no matter what happens.

There are times when, despite having been followed up and treated by medical professionals, our health does not improve and, in those cases, the best option would be to write a letter to resign and leave the position in which we are currently working at.

The trick is to do it properly, to leave the doors open for the future, it will allow you to return to the company when your health improves, not necessarily developing in the same area, but making clear your interest in the company and continue working with them. Bearing this in mind, we have developed a sample letter that you can adapt to your needs, with the aim of returning eventually.

Example of how to write a letter to resign your job:

Place and date

Department of Human Resources

Subject: Waiver voluntarily given by medical issues.

Best regards.

I am currently undergoing a series of medical tests that will allow me to have a notion of certainty to my health issues, because I have not felt good lately. I will follow the necessary treatments that are being audited by the medical team that has been examining me, thus to improve and be able to leave behind the disease that is currently affecting me (MENTION WHICH IS THE DISEASE). Been complicated by this disease affects my work in the company, which results in a significant reduction of my productivity (EXPLAIN WHAT KIND OF WORK IS COMPLICATED AND HOW COME).

After being evaluated and being aware of my state, unfortunately I am forced to present my resignation letter, stating that I am forced to retire myself from my current position in the company (MENTION NAME OF OFFICE OR DEPARTMENT), where I have been working since (SPECIFY DATE).

I would also like to clarify that I am ready and willing to continue being part of your workforce in the company, so I would like the opportunity to return and rejoin as soon as my condition improves, being endorsed by a professional. For now, I will continue with the assigned treatment and I will try to take care of myself as far as possible to quickly improve and recover completely. I know that this represents an inconvenient for you, so I am hoping to hear from you soon, in order to know what to expect and how to proceed.

Thank you for your time and I would like to continue to offer my services later, as I have already stated above.

Sincerely yours,

(Signature of the Employee)

After having presented you the previous model, we would like to emphasize the importance of expressing your true desire of coming back to the company to keep giving them your services in the future, once you are fully recovered. It is important that you express that you are optimistic about your health status.

We trust that your request will be received with kindness and interest in your improvement, and that those who are responsible for the human resources department will be interested to see you again very soon. Come back anytime, we are always introducing new models. Remember that everything we offer is completely free.

Image courtesy of “Ambro”/

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