Last modified 01/25/2024

layoff, layoff letters, layoff models lettersHow to write a layoff letter

Managing a business is not an easy task, mainly because we have to take a lot of right decisions in order to seek the sustainability and growth of the company. There are times when you must make layoffs in the staff to lower costs, because orders are down, among other reasons; however, there are also situations in which a bad element within the staff is discovered and it becomes necessary to dismiss the employee, whether it is for a serious offense or for repeated faults, and such dismissal is justifiably with a letter in which situations that led to this decision are discussed. Up next we bring you two examples of layoff letters that you can modify and adapt to your company.

Example 1 of a layoff letter:

Asunción, August 20, 2013

Human Resources Office
Paramonga Av. No. 450
Phone 6502365

Jorge Aguinaga Lopez
Warehouse manager
Los Mirtos Av. No. 280
Phone 5241070

Dear Mr. Aguinaga:

The purpose of this statement is to inform you that as of from this moment you are dismissed from the post of chief of warehouse that you have been developing in our company.

We have confirmed that you have not met your working hours specified for your job expectations in numerous unjustified opportunities and this is a cause for dismissal as a serious offense stipulated in the labor contract you signed earlier this year.

We recognize you make a very good job in your area and you have met with most goals set and so we know that it will not be very difficult for you to find a new source of employment. ESTUMEC LTDA through its human resources office thanks you for the services rendered during this time and wishes you success in your future endeavors.


Ana García Parra
Head of Human Resources

Example 2 of a layoff letter:

Lima, 25 September 2013

Area of Human Resources
Ate Av. No. 3080

Diana Berrido Zapata
Commercial technic
Engineers Av. No. 820
Phone 6201632

Dear Miss Berrido:

The reason for this letter is to make of your knowledge that we have made the decision to dispense your services in our company for the position of commercial technical from this very moment.

We regret to inform you that we have taken this decision because of your constant breaches for work regulations regarding living together with their colleagues. SMOLLER SA has always been characterized as a company that is very committed to its customers and its employees, and for that reason we do not allow inappropriate behavior among our employees.

We inform you the finality of our decision and recognize the quality of work that you have been developing, but the constant problems you have had with your coworkers overshadow the quality of your work.

As of tomorrow you can approach the area of human resources to apply for a settlement by the end of your services.


Irina Carrillo Lopez
General Manager

We hope these examples of letters for layoffs are very helpful to write your letters of dismissal.

Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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