Last modified 01/16/2024

Birthday phrases, birthday sms, birthday textsVery nice birthday messages

Every person which is about to fulfill years, what he wishes is be with their loved ones. Sometimes, because it is a special day we forget of being grateful because God has given to us one more year of life and the opportunity of make a thousand of things.

For this reason we show you birthday messages for a person that is important for you, this person who always is in the good and the bad moments with you and who makes you smile even being in the worst moments. You can send them by a text message or by Facebook. You also can write in a piece of paper and put it next to your gift. You will see that this person will know how important is in your life.

Free list of very nice birthday messages:

:: “With my entire soul I want you to have a nice birthday. I wish that you be with your loved ones”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “Never lose the faith about the future. I hope that today which is your birthday, have a nice day and reach all your dreams. Happy birthday”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “Today is a very special day for you, because you fulfill one more year of life, have an amazing and fight to reach what you want the most. Happy birthday”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “I’m very happy at seeing you so good in your birthday. I hope God guides your way and gives you many years more of life. Happy birthday”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “Today that is your birthday is a good reason to be together and enjoy with much joy and love. I hope that you have a nice day with the people you love the most”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “Is a New Year for you. You will see now many dreams to come true will come and many new experiences. Happy birthday, I wish you the best in the world”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “I hope that this birthday you remember that you are very important for me. I wish with my entire heart that you can have much happiness and love in your life”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “You don’t know how I like your company and especially today which is your birthday. I hope God blesses you always. Happy birthday”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “I hope that you can have a beautiful day and be very happy. Happy birthday, I send you a thousand of kisses and hugs”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “Never give up about your dreams, God has given you one more year of life, what a blessing. So there is no time to waste it. Happy birthday. Best wishes for you”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “I hope that this birthday be beautiful and now that you can think about all that you must do, I know that you can do it. Good luck”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “I wish God gives you many years more of life and always be so happy as now. Happy birthday for you, dear friend”.
Category :birthday messages

:: “Today that is your birthday don’t forget that I love you with my entire heart and I’m at your side to support you. Happy birthday. Have a nice day”.
Category :birthday messages

Don’t forget that any of these messages can make happy the birthday of this person you love.

Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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birthday messages, birthday phrases, birthday sms, birthday text messages, birthday texts, birthday thoughts, birthday verses, birthday poems, birthday greetings, birthday wordings

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