Last modified 01/16/2024

15 years old birthday sms, 15 years old birthday thoughts, 15 years old birthday wordingsSpecial messages for 15 years birthday

One of the most anticipated date by a young girl in her life is the day of her fifteenth birthday since this day marks a line between the before and after in her life.

It is when she stops being a girl to become a woman full of illusions. The fifteen years of a girl are celebrated with a big party in which the birthday girl is presented in society as a young lady and receives congratulations from everyone as family and friends.

You can be part of this celebration from now by sending the teenager one congratulatory message. Use any of the below messages we bring you to send it via text message or post it on the wall of the birthday girl and she will feel very happy.

Free list of special messages for 15 years old birthday:

:: “I wish you all the best dear friend on this special day that you are fulfilling your 15 springs, I sincerely hope that all your goals can be realized and you always feel the appreciation of all the people you love”.
Category :15 years old birthday messages
:: “The years have passed so quickly and now held the celebration of your 15 years, since you were a kid, you always dreamed of this day so I know that you are really happy. I wish you all the best”.
Category :15 years old birthday messages
:: “Many congratulations on this beautiful day, 15 years only met once in life and so I wish you all the happiness in the world”.
Category :15 years old birthday messages
:: “You deserve to be happy because you are a very beautiful girl; I’m as excited as you because this long-awaited day finally arrived. Have an unforgettable birthday”.
Category :15 years old birthday messages
:: “From today you start a new stage in your life, stop being a child and become a beautiful lady. Congratulations dear cousin”.
Category :15 years old birthday messages
:: “There are other girls who will celebrate their 15 years, though only you are the most beautiful of all. Be very happy on that special day”.
Category :15 years old birthday messages
:: “Now I realized why the day dawned as bright: you are celebrating your 15 springs. It is a wonderful day you will always remember. Have the best time of your life”.
Category :15 years old birthday messages
:: “This is the day you have always dreamed of and I know you feel very excited, I send a big hug and wish you all the best in this important day and the rest of your life. I love you dear friend”.
Category :15 years old birthday messages
:: “I wish you all the best on this day you are celebrating your pass from teenager to a woman. I wish you to have great and can be one of the most beautiful days of your life”.
Category :15 years old birthday messages
:: “You deserve to celebrate your 15th birthday, since you are a very special girl. Receive my great love and remember you are very valuable”.
Category :15 years old birthday messages
:: “Even today you become a lady, for me you will always be my dear girl. I wish you all the happiness in the world and have a nice birthday, my dear niece”.
Category :15 years old birthday messages
:: “Today is just one of the happiest days of your life, is a very special girl that life will give you many surprises. Congratulations for 15 years”.
Category :15 years old birthday messages
:: “You are a very special girl and I am very happy to be part of your life, you deserve all the happiness in the world on this day that you are fulfilling your 15 springs”
Category :15 years old birthday messages

We hope these special greetings for a 15 years old girl; have been to your liking. Dedicate them to the person who is celebrating their birthday and feel very excited.

Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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15 years old birthday messages, 15 years old birthday phrases, 15 years old birthday poems, 15 years old birthday quotations, 15 years old birthday sms, 15 years old birthday text messages, 15 years old birthday texts, 15 years old birthday thoughts, 15 years old birthday verses, 15 years old birthday wordings

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