Last modified 01/27/2024

Step-by-step guide to unlocking the iPhone’s :

This new technology takes a great season already in the market because of its appeal. However, it has some problems in terms of unlocking it, if you choose to switch to another provider of cellular service.

It is almost impossible to switch supplier, since the iPhone is always locked for security of the network. The only way of unlocking the user would be not to buy it directly from the factory, but fortunately today have developed new ways to unlock the iPhone.

As follows, we will list one of the forms for the respective release of the iPhone:

You can use the Yellow Snow software, which is installed directly to the iPhone to be run as a program that restarts the Baseband every time you turn on and off the road device. This software does not harm the iPhone, the only thing it does is to unlock the network so that you can use different chips provided by any company.

Before installing the software, it should be noted that the program works with firmware version 2.2 of the device, plus the user will have to perform a Jailbreak in the iPhone, which is a sort of crack that helps to install any type of application on the iPhone, whether they are applications downloaded from the Internet or applications installed directly on the computer. It is worth mentioning that the operation Jailbreak is of extremely important to be able to proceed with the installation of Yellow Snow.

The Jailbreak can be done easily, the only requirement will be that the iPhone needs to have the latest firmware version installed, in order to check which version is installed in your computer, you simply have to open up iTunes and it will show the version installed, if you have an outdated version, you simply have to download the latest one. After installing an update known as Quickpwn tool, which is available for Windows and Apple, you may download the program through iTunes on the iPhone, the link is:

After downloading and running, we will be asked to enter the iPhone version we have, in this case we choose the iPhone 3G, then we suggest to change the logo in question, select the appropriate program and then it starts searching for the file named IPSW , which is added by default to the iPhone, in case of not having the file, it can be downloaded directly from the following link:

Once you have performed the activities listed above, a new IPSW will be automatically created automatically for a few minutes and then it has to be manually sent to the iPhone. You just have to go to the options menu and set the Phone in DFU mode.

To enable the program Quickpwn, proceed to press the Power and Home buttons for ten seconds, then release the Power button and continue pressing the Home button another ten seconds, having such a transaction is automatically installed on our entire program team for the Jailbreak. Once we have finished the Jailbreak, our equipment is ready to be unlocked.

Upon rebooting and starting the iPhone, we will find that it has installed two new applications, which are the Installer and Cydia, such applications will allow the user to install any program on his or her computer, whether official or not, that is when we proceed to install the Yellow Snow, for which previously a source is added turning to the option Cydia / Manager / Source / Edit / Add to enter any web address, in this case we have to go to: to download the program.

To ensure that the program is installed correctly, you should only go to the Sources option and locate the program Yellow Snow. Finally, restart the iPhone to proceed with the final release and to place any chip in the world in the device, as well as to install any type of application.

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