Last modified 01/22/2024

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Whenever we have some kind of celebration, we will be happy because they have the power to bring loved ones together, either for a birthday, someone’s success, some event, etc. Through the years we can see how, although there have been some changes, celebrations have been present in some form or another. There are important occasions, such as birthdays, weddings or graduations in which it is customary to give a short speech and a toast by which the pride felt for the achievement or you simply express how happy you are for the celebration that is been held.

Toasts have many years between us, and if you wonder where the word comes from, it comes from the German bring dich and it is a way of saying that we are offering something to the other person. This article will talk about the celebration of the fifteen years birthday for girls, who will be very happy to hear a nice toast in their name, which will be an event that will thrill more than one and rejoice everyone.

It is important to the extent that all persons attending the meeting are happy for the celebrated girl and she will express her gratitude for receiving such affection. Sometimes inspiration is a bit tricky, especially if we want to make a nice speech, so we have prepared some examples that might give you some inspiration.

Download free phrases to sahre with your daughter:

:: “Today I want to make a toast for the girl of my eyes . I cannot believe she finally turned 15, I hope the Lord will bless her every day of your life. I am grateful to have been awarded such a beautiful and healthy daughter, and have the opportunity to celebrate with all of you today. Let’s all raise our glasses in your honor, I hope that God will continue giving you much joy, beauty, and that you will seize opportunities as you always have, always bringing me diplomas for her school performance. My dear child, you are starting a wonderful time and I want you to enjoy it a lot, always laughing and sharing special moments with your family. You have no idea of how proud I am to be able to shout to the world that I am your father, make me very happy. Cheers for my daughter”.
Category: girl turning fifteen

:: “I want you all to gather around my daughter to celebrate her on her day. I am the happiest mom and I am completely grateful to you, my friends and family, for meeting today for this important occasion. I am very pleased to be celebrating by your side a day like this one, so I want us all do a toast to this girl who became a woman, because from this day forward she will have a new perspective of the world around her. I beg the Lord to accompany her on every step of the way, so she is able to accomplish everything she wants. The happiness I have right can be taken by no one, so here’s to my daughter, I am very proud and I am the luckiest mother in the world. Thank you Lord for giving me such a sweet, beautiful, smart and good girl, You have changed my life. I want to extend this toast to you too, because you are accompanying us in such a special moment and for having been doing all her life. Here’s to my daughter and for every day of her life be a celebration”.
Category: girl turning fifteen

:: “I cannot believe my god daughter has been transformed into the beautiful and intelligent woman I see before me, she is going to drop a lot of jaws tonight. I want to propose a toast in her honor and ask God to give her His blessings. I appreciate all that she is, a woman rich in spirit, with great generosity and a big heart. I’m happy that we are celebrating this special occasion, we are very proud to have her with us. We hope many more years to come her way and that they are increasingly better. Cheers for my goddaughter!”.
Category: girl turning fifteen

We hope you enjoyed these models and that you will be excited to use them in the party of the girl who became a woman and is having such a special occasion. Use these words as inspiration and give them your personal touch, we hope to see you around soon. Remember that we update our site every time and that we are always looking to get more material to help you express your feelings and thoughts in every occasion.

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messages to your girl who is turning fifteen, phrases to your girl who is turning fifteen, poems to your girl who is turning fifteen, quotes to your girl who is turning fifteen,sms to your girl who is turning fifteen, text messages to your girl who is turning fifteen

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