Last modified 01/24/2024

cv tips, cv advices, work advicesVery good Cv model

The curriculum vitae are regulated as a fundamental requirement that companies require from job applicants to get the position. Through this, the employer can know which applicants meet the requirements of the position to which they are applying.

For that reason if you are elaborating a CV looking for it causes a good impression and also an additional advantage over other applicants, it is vital to know which parts of the curriculum should deserve greater attention.

In this article we will tell you what should be the content of your resume to make a good impression.

Personal Information

This is the first part of your resume and should contain your basic information such as your full name, age, address, telephone and email address. Do not overload this part of your curriculum with extra information such as ID number, birth city of origin, etc.. do not forget that your CV should not be extensive.


This is an area of vital importance since it is the space for you to give a brief presentation in which describing your skills, experiences and professional expectations. Try to be brief and not take more than five lines.

Professional experience

This is perhaps the central part of your curriculum. Place only the last three jobs that you have had always starting with the most recent and ending with the oldest.

You must provide the key information such as how many years have you worked, name of the company for which you worked and the position in which you performed. If you had more than three jobs, mentions only those that are most relevant for the position which postulate.

Job training

Follow the same standard you used with professional experience. Mention the years in which you graduated, which degree you got and in case you are you must mention the currently conducting studies.

Complementary studies

This part is intended for writing down the courses or training you have received and that are related to your profession and the job you are applying. Place information in this field will help you increase your chances of getting the job.


You may not have considered the importance of this field, but is a key indicator for employers because it tells them if you can start to work immediately. If you have no job responsibilities at the time, you can put to immediate availability and if you have a job or perform studies placed the times which you are available.

Finally have a resume as we bring you below:


Personal information (including your photograph in formal wear)
Name: Adrian Fernando
Surname: Houses Garavito
Age: 24
Address: 450 Spain Street, Santiago
Phone: 4806053


I have three years experience as head of the maintenance area. During that time I have led major projects for development of complex machinery. I want to join a market leading company that allows me to continue to build my experience and provide an opportunity to receive additional training.

Professional Experience

2013 – Todoequipos SA – Head of Maintenance
2009 – Industries Textela SA – Maintenance Supervisor
2008 – Tecniservicios SA – Maintenance Assistant.
job training
2003 – 2008 – University of Santo Tomas – Mechanical Engineering – Mechanical Engineering chartered engineer
Complementary studies
2012 – New England Institute – English – Intermediate level


Do not forget that to achieve greater impact on the employer, you must attach any documentation that supports your case studies and your work experience.

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