Last modified 05/10/2024

writing a resume, how to write a resume, advices to write a resumeProfessional objectives for a resume of a nurse

As we know the nursing profession has become a good choice of study because of the significant increasing requirement of nurses in recent years. Work experience in various hospitals of medical care allows nurses know their professional reality and can quickly adapt to any work environment.

These internships are very important for the good performance of emerging nurses, since this work will allow them to gain experience solving problems quickly. Then, they will be allowed to work in hospitals which offer better benefits.

To get a good job you need to write a resume that also contain skills and experience indicating your career goals. Here you will find some models of professional goals for nursing resume.

Professional Objective 1

I am a titled nurse with three years of work. I am looking for employment that allows me to relate to minor patients. My career goal is to specialize in the treatment and care of this type of patient.

Professional Objective 2

I have a Nursing Diploma awarded by (corresponding entity). I can speak Spanish and English. I have two years of experience looking to exercise my career in a hospital where I can learn more about emergency situations.

Professional Objective 3

I am titled as a nurse in my country (write the country). I am licensed to exercise my career in this country. I gained two years of professional experience the last year and I am specialized as emergency-nurse. My goal is to gain experience in areas different than the mentioned before.

Professional Objective 4

I am a Nursing graduate with over six years experience in recognized hospitals and clinics. My current career goal is to develop my own workforce in the attention and care of the elderly people.

Professional Objective 5

I am a registered nurse; I have three years of work experience in clinics in the capital. My main career goal is to provide continuous improvement in physical and mental care of patients.

Professional Objective 6

I am graduated from the nursing profession college/institute (corresponding entity). I am about to finish the first year as an intern; I am looking for experiences in new situations that test my abilities.

Professional Objective 7

I am a registered Nurse with experience in recognized clinics. Now I am pursuing a career in nutrition and that is why my new career goal is to attend patients with health problems related to this field.

Professional Objective 8

I am a Nursing assistant with four years of experience in medical centers. My new career goal is to work in hospitals in the city. I want to enrich myself with new experiences in urban health centers.

These are some models of career goals in order to write a good resume. You can adapt any of these goals to your reality and give others knowledge of what are the career goals you pursue.

Image courtesy of “imagerymajestic” /

nurse, nurse’s resume, tips to write a nurse’s resume, free tips to write a nurse’s resume, how to write a nurse’s resume, good tips to write a nurse’s resume, writing a resume, how to write a resume, advices to write a resume, professional objectives for a resume

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