Last modified 01/27/2024

free cellphone tips, the best cellphone tips, free cellphone advisesThe best apps for your Android

Android is a versatile operating system and allows your Smartphone, tablet or other device you use to become a platform on which you can run thousands of different applications. For that reason it has become the most popular OS and through its online store (Play Store) offers a wealth of applications, many of them free for you to download and use. Then we will tell you which of the free apps are preferred by most users.

WhatsApp Messenger

We all like instant messaging services because it allows us to get in touch with family and friends no matter where they are. Using WhatsApp you can also send text messages, voice recordings, photos, videos and files and more with your contacts who also have it installed. Remember that there is no charge to install or use it.


The most popular social network nowadays is Facebook which has also made available two applications of its users to enjoy their services through devices with Android system. The first is very similar to Facebook that you are using from your computer and the second one is called Facebook Messenger which is exclusively for the use of Facebook instant messaging.


Skype became one of the favorite programs when making calls through the network and can also be found on Android version. This application will allow you to import your contacts from other applications to show those who are using Skype and this way you get in touch with them and enjoy fluid conversations and even video calls. Just download it and you must enter your Hotmail account.

Clean Master

The apps to keep your Android device running smoothly are also very necessary and Clean Master is one of the most used. When you run it you can clear the memory of your device and thus make it faster and reduce battery consumption. Get rid of all those temporary files and applications that you never use.


Surely more than once you have realized you’re humming a song you like but do not know or do not remember its name. Well, with Shazam you can discover the name of the artist and even the album to which the song belongs. You can also access to the information on Amazon where you can buy the album. Another great feature is that it lets you view song lyrics while you play and you can share it via social networks.

Aviary Photo Editor

We all use our Android devices to take photographs and more than once we unleash our imagination with them or just correct some flaws. Well, so you can do all this and more, there Aviary Photo Editor. This application is very easy to use, even if you’ve never had the experience of editing photos.

Do not forget that for security reasons is better to download applications from the Play Store (formerly Android Market) and so avoid problems with your devices.

Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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