Last modified 01/21/2024

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It is a fundamental aspect in the lives of all of us to believe in a superior being that governs our destinies, that special someone who was the creator of this world and all the good things in it, and of course, the creator of our life. That special someone is God and even if he has on the different cultures that exist in the world, the important thing is that he exists and that we should turn to him not only during times of difficulty, but also to thank him for our life and all that we get to live and experience every day.

We sometimes just walk through life without stopping to think for a moment about what is really important, and that is why it is good to read several phrases and messages that invite us to meditate. Up ahead we leave you some great thoughts about God that you can check out and share the ones you find interesting through Whatsapp, so that you invite your contacts to change their lives and be in harmony with God, the on that gave us our lives, choose those that have come to your heart and share your opinion with the rest of the world.

Free examples of God texts for WhatsApp:

:: “I always accompany you, although sometimes you do not feel my presence, I stand by your side guiding your steps”.
Category: God texts
:: “I have placed you in the world because you have a special mission to fulfill. Search inside yourself and find your true reason for being”.
Category: God texts
:: “When you feel alone, come find me that I will walk with you. I will help you carry the load you have and make your way through life easier”.
Category: God texts
:: “The difficulties you have will help you increase your strength increase and later you will realize it. Today just trust and never stop having faith”.
Category: God texts
:: “Although you do not always remember me, I will always watch over you every day. I am your Father and the love I feel for you is above all”.
Category: God texts
:: “If you think everything is difficult you are wrong, I will put many opportunities in your way and lead you to a life full of happiness”.
Category: God texts
:: “Even in the most unlikely place, I walk with you. Even in the most adverse circumstances, I am with you. Never feel alone because you are my child and I will never leave you”.
Category: God texts
:: “If one day your loved ones walk away from you and your friends do not know you, remember that I will always guide you and I will not let anything bad happen to you”.
Category: God texts
:: “Any trial you have to overcome in life is a blessing for the future because they will help you become a better person. Do not have fear and just believe in me”.
Category: God texts
:: “Whenever you have to go through difficult times in your life, I will always be by your side, ready to protect you and bless you. You just need to have a great faith and talk to me in your prayer”.
Category: God texts
:: “I have delivered you the greatest power in the universe: Faith. Always use it to overcome any obstacles, to achieve the impossible and to make your dreams come true”.
Category: God texts
:: “I have given you many brothers so when you see them, you see me reflected in them. Remember that whatever you do with them is what you are doing with me”.
Category: God texts
:: “If your path becomes more difficult to travel, do not pass out as I will give you more strength and courage so that you can manage to emerge triumphant. Just call me in your prayers”.
Category: God texts
:: “It often saddens me to see you unhappy about your life and about who you are. Realize that I have given you everything you need to succeed, you just have to be persistent and have a lot of faith”.
Category: God texts
:: “I know your future and I can tell that you will achieve all your goals, you just have to fight for them and believe that they are possible. I will give you all my help”.
Category: God texts
:: “Sometimes you wonder why I do not give you everything you ask to me, well, I know that things that you really need and that will do you good”.
Category: God texts

Do not forget that it is very important to approach God at all times, take control of your life and take advantage of both good and bad experiences as the latter are there for us to become better human beings.

Image courtesy of “artur84” /

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