Last modified 10/09/2023

How to Solve a Problem with my Younger Boss,having a younger boss,problems when having a younger boss,tips to solve problems with your boss,how to solve a problem with your bossIs There A Problem With Having A Younger Boss?

If There Is, How You Can Overcome It.
Generally, in most companies change is encouraged to help progress or renew certain work traits. Personnel rotation is needed and it is done because of time of work or personnel performance. In some places, renewal is made by hiring very young employees in strategic positions like department chiefs or managers.

This explains why this type of personnel usually is paid less, or the company has the idea of training them from an early age with certain projections. Thus, in this context, many wonder: “Is there a problem with having a younger boss?”. Read this article and find out.

Yes, there is :
A usual problem between two workers of different ages is the lack of understanding and the generation gap. We will take a look at a particular case of a new plant manager in a factory. The new director graduated from university a year ago and has no working experience while the factory’s workers have been working for 15 years there. The new manager will struggle to merge into the factory’s working environment; thus, certain tasks for workers will take longer than usual.

Also, the fact of the manager not having worked before will bring about the workers’ mistrust to make questions about their work. The new technology introduced by the new manager or his different working style will confuse some workers who were used to a different working style.
We must note that not all companies have these labor problems. It has been pointed out that working with a younger authority does not always cause problems.

No, there is not :
Granted, there are cases where having a younger authority does not cause problems; on the contrary, it brings benefits to the job. We will describe here the case of a young engineer for government building works.

This young engineer has a one year working experience and is currently appointed to work in a suburban area along with very experienced two engineers. The entrusted work is building a “Skatepark”. for the town. The experienced engineers go through the blueprints, instruct the work’s foreman and then withdraw. The young engineer remains to acquire further experience in this kind of works, talks with the workers, who have an average 20 year experience, elicits their doubts about the task and earns their trust.

He uses construction software, establishes clear guidelines for the works, set an order for tasks and minimizes problems for workers. He is very concerned with this work as he has never had contact with this kind of assignment before. Also, he watches for any inconveniences during construction and fixes them.

By now, you have already discovered that there are both advantages and disadvantages when working with a younger boss. It is up to both of you to use both your strengths and weaknesses to get a minimum of differences and a maximum of agreements.

Image: Ambro /

having a younger boss,problems when having a younger boss,tips to solve problems with your boss,how to solve a problem with your boss,i have more experience than my boss,younger boss

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