Last modified 01/20/2024

tips about whatsapp, free tips about whatsapp, good tips about whatsappUse WhatsApp Messenger in a Safe Way

WhatsApp Messenger is the most used application in the world to communicate in real time. It has over 150 million users. They all have a smart phone that is compatible with this application. The messaging service is free and –compared with the usual SMS– WhatsApp allows to send messages over 140 characters and can be used for several models of smartphones, such as Blackberry or iPhone, and many others that work with the Android system.

In contrast, this application is used by so many millions of people that it is inevitable that security problems arise –which we will handle in detail in this article. Learn how to use WhatsApp Messenger in a reliable way.


Wi-Fi networks

Many people prefer using Whatsapp via Wi-Fi in restaurants and shopping centers that ensure and accelerate the speed of the connection, however, it is important to take into consideration do not send information about financial transactions, passwords, compromising photos or videos –as this information can be captured and used against you. The information you send can be captured through programs called sniffers –which no devise can detect.


When using Whatsapp send messages that you are sure you want to send. If you regret sending a message and want to delete it, you will have the option to “delete”, which facilitates the erasure superficially, however, it stays collected in a mother database –which is never cleared.


Anyone with smart mobile devices can download this application and impersonate identities. It is therefore important that before you send messages and share files, you make sure you’re talking to the real person and be sure they are reliable. Remember to always be careful about the people you talk to online or, in this case, applications that use Internet to reach people from all over the world.


It is one of the problems that have arisen with the use of this application. Many users have complained about these chains and many others have had problems in the use of this application for being part of these chains. So avoid resend them, as they contain malicious codes inside, which could complicate the smooth running of this application on your mobile device.

These are the considerations you should keep in mind to avoid complications when using the application on your devise. As you see, you can use WhatsApp Messenger reliably; just keep in mind what we had said in this article.

Image courtesy of “adamr” /

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