Last modified 01/25/2024

ideas to improve business, advice to improve business, planification to improve business, information to improve business, motivation to improve business, implementation to improve businessLetter for expressing congratulations for success in business

Currently, there are several organizations working with classical schemes to manage and motivate their employees; honestly, they are already too old to keep using them. Here the mistake lies in the following point: they believe that to motivate someone all you need is to offer them a good salary. It’s like they think that people are robots that are dedicated to producing and eventually they must do maintenance on them.

Fortunately, today this is changing thanks to the employees who are showing different behaviors and this depends largely on the world being more integrated, that people can easily migrate from one company to another, the great advances in training staff and that there are now new trends on how to handle the potential of the staff.

This is especially now and that is why organizations cannot avoid motivating their employees. This motivation has to be varied, since the economic incentives are not everything anymore, but social recognition and other benefits are expected. That is why below we present you an alternative way of motivation: personal letters.

Example letter 1:

City and date

Reason: Recognition of the successes that you have achieved within the organization.

Greetings Mr.

It is the perfect place to congratulate you and to thank you for all the success that you have garnered running the plan to improve the homes of the municipality of Villa Maria del Triunfo (Lima, Peru) and your work within the HR department as the principal assistant. .

Our organization considers it important that you have been involved in the implementation of the plan, as this was a very important part on achieving that the company is positioned within the major ones in the sector, leaving a good image in the municipality with the work that was performed. It gives us much pride to form such an important piece of our working group. We count on you in the future, because we know that you will continue giving us reasons to be proud.

The entire team sincerely congratulates you and we want to thank you again.

Sincerely yours,

Manager’s name

You can also use another format and adapt it according to what you want to convey.

Example letter 2:

City and date

Reason: Congratulations for achieved goals.
I extend you a cordial greeting, Mr.

As manager of the company I am honored to give you the deserved recognition after the work executed. The organization was in a pretty delicate situation, so the support given to us and how committed you were, allow us today to be calm and happy with the results.

Thanks to your efforts in the recent times is that we could move forward, so that the company will spare to recognize your courageous work. Unfortunately we reach a point where the accounting information of the company was delayed and that kept us from knowing what the situation was in matters of the finance department.

You have managed to get us afloat thanks to your skills in the business, but finally every effort paid off and today we are at a great place as a company. Now we can import the best quality materials in order to be able to commercialize them on the market and establish new agreements with the entities that are providing capital and thus end up healing our weaknesses.

Again we want to say thank you and we want you to know that your work will not only have an economic reward, but also the confidence that we have in you has grown a lot and we look forward to keep counting on you. You have shown to be worthy of all the trust and responsibilities we have put in you.

Congratulations and thank you very much.


Manager’s name

Valuing employees is critical to motivate them, which will make them more productive, because motivation comes with self-esteem and the sense of belonging to something bigger than one: the company.Hopefully these letter examples will be good for you to use them in your company.

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Image courtesy of “ddpavumba”/

ideas to improve business, advice to improve business, planification to improve business, information to improve business, motivation to improve business, implementation to improve business

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