Last modified 10/07/2023

download love texts for Facebook, new love texts for FacebookCute love texts for Facebook

Nowadays, the largest and most popular social network of all is Facebook and it seems that it will continue for a long time. In this network you have the freedom to express all of your feelings any time of the day, your happy or sad moments, share news of your life and send messages and thoughts to all of your contacts.

Most likely you have seen that many people share phrases about love, so in this article we offer you some love texts you can post on your wall or use as a picture comment.

Free examples of love texts for Facebook:

:: “Never bicker about love as it can arrive to the door of your heart and change your life forever. Share this message and soon get to meet your true love”.
Category: love texts for Facebook
:: “If you feel sadness and loneliness is overwhelming your soul it is because you lack love in your life. Share this text with 30 friends and you will see that things will start to change”.
Category: love texts for Facebook
:: “Love has no boundaries and so it is capable of overcoming any social prejudice. If you also think this is true, share this message with 10 of your friends today and happiness will accompany you and your partner forever”.
Category: love texts for Facebook
:: “Not even all the words in the world are enough to express all that a kiss and a hug can transmit. Send this message to your best friends and you will see that true love will come into your life”.
Category: love texts for Facebook
:: “When love is true then nothing and no one can stop it, even distance is not an obstacle. Share this message with all the contacts you can in under a minute and your true love will surprise you in less than a week”.
Category: love texts for Facebook
:: “It is true that in love one does not always win, but by no means one should give up because at some time one will achieve to win the heart of that person that we like. Share this text with 20 of your contacts and you will see that you will get to know true love”.
Category: love texts for Facebook
:: “It is true that at first, physical appearance plays a key role in love, but eventually it is what is inside what really counts. If you also believe in true love, send this text to 10 of your contacts and soon you will get to know that person you have been waiting for so long”.
Category: love texts for Facebook
:: “There is no bigger lie than to claim that we have forgotten a love, as not matter what we do to get it out of our minds, there is always an indelible mark left behind. Share this phrase with all the contacts you can in 15 minutes and you will get back with your ex”.
Category: love texts for Facebook
:: “People confuse infatuation with love and that is why they suffer throughout their lives with one and another couple. Send this to 20 of your contacts so that they change their lives and then love will knock at your door”.
Category: love texts for Facebook

When you post these texts you will realize that many of your friends will share them, you will also receive many comments and “likes”. Come back soon to our web page for more texts for every occasion.

Image courtesy of “Keattikorn” /

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