Last modified 10/09/2023

download texts for an ex on twitter, new texts for an ex on twitterBest texts for your ex on Twitter

The moment we begin a romantic relationship, we feel that everything is perfect and that love will last forever, however, this is not usually the case. If your relationship is over because your boyfriend was not making his best effort or has betrayed you, you must make it clear to him that it is a definite decision so that he does not insist. On the next few lines we offer you some texts that will be useful for you to post is on Twitter.

Free examples of texts for your ex on Twitter:

:: “Now that you are not a part of my life, this is the last time I ask you to forget about all there was between us #IDoNotLoveYou”.
Category: texts for an ex on twitter
:: “The love you swore to me was fake just like you, today you no longer mean anything to me, get me out of your mind # OverYou”.
Category: texts for an ex on twitter
:: “If you made fun of me yesterday, why are you coming to ask me for another chance now? Stop bothering me because I do not want anything with you anymore #LosingYourTime”.
Category: texts for an ex on twitter
:: “Our relationship was not working and although we tried to solve our problems it was in vain, so maybe the best thing we did was to say goodbye and take different paths. #GoodbyeForGood”.
Category: texts for an ex on twitter
:: “When I found about your betrayal, it hurt me very much, but I am happy because I opened my eyes and saw that you were not worth it. #YouLose”.
Category: texts for an ex on twitter
:: “I did a lot of crazy things for you and I have no regrets because while I was by your side I was happy, but I do not want you anymore #LoveIsDead”.
Category: texts for an ex on twitter
:: “Lie after lie ended our love, so do not come back asking for a second chance #TooLate”.
Category: texts for an ex on twitter
:: “I have suffered many love disappointments, but none as intense as the one I felt when I discovered your deception, now my heart is recovering #NobodyDiesOfLove”.
Category: texts for an ex on twitter
:: “When you left I thought my life was going to end, but now I am happier than ever, now it is you who is suffering for me #WorldSpins”.
Category: texts for an ex on twitter
:: “I blindly believed in love, but fortunately I opened my eyes in time, so do not insist that I will not go back to you #HellWithYourLove”.
Category: texts for an ex on twitter
:: “You were a stone in my path and I got you out of my life on time, do not come back asking me to get back together because you were a mistake that I will not make twice # Learningfrompast”.
Category: texts for an ex on twitter
:: “I should have never been with you because I do not love you; I just want you as a friend. Someday you will find someone who makes you happy #YouWorthGold”.
Category: texts for an ex on twitter
:: “My dream is to be with a guy who surprises me with details that make me smile and who loves me #YouAreANightmare”.
Category: texts for an ex on twitter
:: “In the past I thought I was not going to get over your treason, but now I am better than I could have imagined #NotSufferingForYou”.
Category: texts for an ex on twitter

When your former lover reads any of these phrases he will be able to feel that you are serious and you no longer want anything more with him. See you soon for more texts!

Image courtesy of “David Castillo Dominici” /

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