Last modified 01/19/2024

text messages tips, sms advices, text messages advicesHow to send text messages to other countries

Formerly, maintaining communication with a friend or a relative who was abroad was a very complicated thing to do. A choice of communication was through written letters, a media that had many disadvantages as the waiting period of several weeks for the letter to be received and the possible loss of the letter on its way.

The other options to keep in touch with a family member or friend who is living abroad can turn out to be really expensive. This is the case of international telephone calls whose value depends on the country to which the call is made. Fortunately, with the arrival of cell phones also came the option to send short text messages, even abroad, which are cheaper and arrive instantly to the recipient.

If we were to give a definition of what a text message or SMS is, we could say it is like a short letter you can send electronically and instantly to friends and loved ones anywhere in the world wherever they are because cell phone coverage is extensive in most nations, and of course at a very affordable price.

So through text messages you can have a better communication with friends and family no matter the distance. The new smart phones have applications that allow us to communicate via instant messaging, for example we have Whatsapp, which is an application that can be installed from the internet and a tiny price allows you to have unlimited communication as long as you have an internet connection.

In the same way, smart phones allow you to access to the internet with which you can make use of social networks like Facebook, among other options, to contact your friends and family. And other applications as is the case of ” Fring ” with which you can create groups to chat and talk with several friends at the same time, as if they were gathered in the same place through instant messages.

Among the most used applications for instant messaging we have Chat On, Google Talk or Group Me, which you can download to your smartphone to communicate at any time, also an application that is a favorite between many people is “BlackBerry Messenger” which is exclusively for users of that phone brand and is the main reason for its purchase.

In case you do not own a smartphone or have no credit to send a text message, there is a free option to send messages directly to the cell of the person you want to communicate with and it is through Internet pages, just go to from your computer and click the option to send multiple messages on the same day.

Now that you know how, you have many options to stay in touch with friends and loved ones no matter in what corner of the world they are in. Remember that here at our website, you will always find thousands of free advices.

Image courtesy of “Ambro” /

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