Last modified 01/25/2024

excellent job letters, tips to write a work letter, free advices to write a work letterGood work letters samples

The letter to reprehend a worker is a document drafted by the employer in such a way that it serves to warn the worker of some kind of negligence he has been part of within the company.

With this form of document, the employer will necessarily have to adapt his behavior and respect the rules established by the company, plus the employee is given one last chance to correct his fault. Also, in the future, this letter could be used to justify a dismissal, being filed in the record of the employee.

The key points to be covered in a good reprehension letter are: present in a short and direct way the fault in which the employee has incurred, also clearly state the consequences of this fault and clarify the actions taken if it should happens again, in this way the employee knows and is more aware of his own actions at other times. Thus, in addition to preventing the employee, educate him so that in the future it may limit his actions.

On the lines below you will find a few examples of letters you can use in different cases. In the first one you will see the case of a delay without justification and in the following an unexcused absence.

Free work letter sample 1:

Lima, September 9, 2013

Mr. Brandon Obregon,

I present this document to you in order to inform you that in the contract which you have signed with the company, the arrival and departure of the local company is explicitly marked. The contract starts at 7:00 am and the day ends at 4:00 pm, Monday through Saturday.

It is of great concern that you have repeatedly been late without justification. The company will provide an additional opportunity for you to change this behavior, otherwise you will have to undergo the consequences and accept your dismissal.

Hopefully you will thing well your actions and in this way you can modify this erratic behavior that can affect both the company and you.


Maricielo Salazar
Chief of staff

Free work letter sample 2:

Lima, September 9, 2013

Mr. Franco Aliaga,

The following document is to inform you that we have received information that you have not been present to work on the 15th and 16th of July of the current year, contrary to the rules established in the contract that you have signed when applying for the job . Also fulfilling with what the contract mentions, these unexcused absences will be subtracted from your weekly wage.

We hope these events are not repeated again and that if an emergency exists in the future, we are informed beforehand so your absence can be justified on time.

We hope you take the necessary measures to correct this attitude and so this does not happen again, otherwise the company will take the sanctions that apply to the case.


Marcial Rubio
Chief of Staff

Hopefully these examples will help you to notify your employees and they change their actions and become engaged in a serious way to their work.

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