Last modified 01/25/2024

customer anniversary letter examples,letter for 1st anniversary for our customers,company anniversary letters,Commercial Letter,anniversary letters,anniversary business letters sampleCommercial Letter for Clients on the First Anniversary :

A dream comes true for entrepreneurs when they celebrate the first anniversary of their business or company. Many firms fail just months after opening, so those who make it to their first year must be very grateful to their clients who helped them with their business goals. In this article, we tell you how to thank your clients with a commercial letter.

All firms owe their clients and must thank them for their trust and loyalty. Many firms decide to give them big discounts and special offers in thanks for their preference. A way to inform them about those benefits is sending a commercial letter on the first anniversary.

This letter must be written in a cordial and personalized style, which means it must be addressed to each individual client and include their names. It will have better results if it is sent by the company’s top executive.

The letter must be printed in a company’s headed sheet. Its content must be written in a short and polite style. Always keep in mind its purpose, which is to thank clients for their preference and to inform them about benefits (offers and discounts) they are entitled to for their loyalty.

Every commercial letter must have three parts: opening, body (content) and closing. The opening includes city, date, addressee’s name, address and a greeting. The body must mention the letter’s purpose, which is to thank clients for their preference and to inform that the company is on its first anniversary and that there are benefits for customers to enjoy. The closing must include the sender executive’s name, position and signature.

Next, a model commercial letter to clients for the company’s first anniversary:

Marco Antonio
Beauty Salon and Spa

Lima, April 2, 2011

Ms.Medalith Gonzales Saavedra
Av. Lima 345
San Isidro

Dear Ms. Gonzales

We are pleased to greet you and to thank you for preferring our services. We also want to tell you that our first anniversary is on this month, and we would like to celebrate with all our clients, especially you.

Thus we inform you that, in gratitude for your preference, you are entitled to a series of benefits during all of April. First, you have a 50% discount on all our services in all our branches. Plus, you may invite a friend who will have an absolutely free access to all our services for a day.

To use these benefits just call us (01-655 6789) and register during April. Contact Ms. Teresa Flores if you have any questions.

We are waiting for your call.

Martha Vargas Mendoza
General Manager

Image: nuttakit /

Tags :
company anniversary letters,anniversary letters,anniversary business letters sample, business letters, business letters sample,Business letters templates,commercial letter,letter for 1st anniversary for our customers,letter for clients

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