Last modified 01/22/2024

pregnant woman, new born, messages for a pregnant womanBeautiful messages for a pregnant woman

A pregnant woman is a blessing and a joy for her family, couple and friends.

The sweet waiting of the mother for her son makes a strong link between them, because the love of mother is and will be the strongest. The love of a mother is a love without conditions, because the mother will love him always.

If you like to share some words of congratulations to a mother who is in this beautiful stage. Next we show you a list with messages that you can use to dedicate. You can use it by a text message or internet.

Free list of beautiful messages for a pregnant woman:

:: “A new stage in your life is about to begin. You have been blessed with the bliss of giving life to an angel. This boy will be now your happiness and joy”.
Category :congratulation phrases for pregnant women

:: “Congratulations, future mother. This kid that is now with you, growing, is the fruit of the big love that you have with your husband. The baby you expecting will bring many blessings to your life”.
Category :congratulation phrases for pregnant women

:: “In this sweet waiting, this angel who is in your belly, will be with you always. The love that you will feel for him will be so big that nothing could separate you. You will be a great mother. Congratulations”.
Category :congratulation phrases for pregnant women

:: “Always the arrival of a baby to this world is a blessing from God. This baby will be special; will be a great person because he will be breed for you, a great and wonderful woman. I hope the life of your family will be very blessed. Blessings”.
Category :congratulation phrases for pregnant women

:: “In this nice waiting that you have now until your kid birth will make that you have a strong link of love. You will love him with all your being forever, and he will be at your side always. Congratulations, future mother”.
Category :congratulation phrases for pregnant women

:: “God blesses the true love of a couple with this sweet waiting of bringing a son to the world, the son that you made is a sample of this love that exists between you both”.
Category :congratulation phrases for pregnant women

:: “Is now, in these moments of the life of a woman, when she looks more beautiful, because she has blessed with the power of giving life. In these months that you will be unite to your son, will be the most significant months of your life. God fills your two hearts with much happiness”.
Category :congratulation phrases for pregnant women

:: “Having the fruit of your love growing inside you, is the biggest blessing that the heave could give you. Now your heart will be shared with this little baby who you will love more than nothing in this world. Congratulations”.
Category :congratulation phrases for pregnant women

:: “Heaven filled you with the bliss of make life inside you, the fruit of love. This kid that is coming will make that you become a better woman, even better than the wonderful you are. Congratulations future mom”.
Category :congratulation phrases for pregnant women

:: “It seems a much time, but you will see that it will pass very fast and you will get this boy that you are waiting and this will be the day that a new woman will appear. You will be a great mother and breed a nice kid. I wish you the best for your beautiful family. Congratulations”.
Category :congratulation phrases for pregnant women

:: “In the future you will remember these months, in which you are one person with your boy, because is when you will be more united than never. The moment when his life will take a way far from you will come, but will calm you knowing that your hearts will be always united”.
Category :congratulation phrases for pregnant women

:: “Now is growing inside you the life who will be your reason to live. Being mother means that you will never let of loving your son and he will be your little kid no matter how much years pass. Congratulations”.
Category :congratulation phrases for pregnant women

:: “This baby is the best gift that the life could give you. You will make possible the miracle of life and your life will be full of bliss because you will love this kid above everything. I’m very happy for your pregnancy. I wish you the best for you and for your little baby today and always”.
Category :congratulation phrases for pregnant women

:: “A little princess will come to this world. She will enlighten your road. She will fill you with joy. You will see her grow and she will make you very proud. Congratulations, you will be an excellent mother”.
Category :congratulation phrases for pregnant women

In the woman’s life, pregnancy is the most important stage. Never forget to dedicate some words to your friends who is passing through this important and beautiful stage. You will make her very happy.

Image courtesy of “David Castillo Dominici” /

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