Last modified 01/25/2024

congratulations phrases for a promotion,great congratulation phrases for promotionsCongratulation Phrases for a Promotion:

The first time we get a job, there are so many emotions and feelings that make us glad and tell us we are moving forward in our profession and growing.

The rhythm of our development will lead us to be promoted to positions of higher responsibility.

In this report you will find congratulation phrases for a promotion for friends of yours who have advanced in their careers.

Free samples of congratulation messages for a promotion :

:: “When I witnessed your work I knew you would get far”.
Category :Congratulations For Promotions

:: “All the effort and passionate interest you put in everything you do will push you to get all you want. This promotion is the first step”.
Category :Congratulations For Promotions

:: “You have the spirit that makes you want to be better every instant and that will bring you closer to your goals. Congratulations on your new position”.
Category :Congratulations For Promotions

:: “When you landed your first job I had a feeling that from then on everything would go up in your career because you are enterprising and capable”.
Category :Congratulations For Promotions

:: “Your responsibility, perseverance and determination will help your advance step by step in the staircase called life. That is why you have been rewarded with a promotion”.
Category :Congratulations For Promotions

:: “Getting a promotion is a prize for your perseverance and effort. Do not rest on your laurels, keep the effort and perseverance up, and you will get far”.
Category :Congratulations For Promotions

:: “It is all in the beholder’s eyes, and you have the ability of seeing easy where others see difficult, because of your optimism and your determination in finding different ways to achieve your goals. This is the beginning. Congratulations on your promotion”.
Category :Congratulations For Promotions

:: “Not being afraid to face new situations is the reason you have been considered for this promotion. Keep it up”.
Category :Congratulations For Promotions

:: “Your determination in the things you do and the care you put in your assignments are key to your dream promotion. Congratulations and may all go well for you”.
Category :Congratulations For Promotions

:: “Getting this promotion was a dream for you, but we all expected it because of your professional quality. The way you work and do things is laudable”.
Category :Congratulations For Promotions

:: “Ever since our childhood, you had a quiet and calm way to face difficulties; you appeased us and conveyed a positive idea to find the answer. It was expected that your ability would be acknowledged and so your promotion is well deserved and fair”.
Category :Congratulations For Promotions

:: “You convey your happiness every day. This has caused a great part of your promotion. Keep it up and you will get far”.
Category :Congratulations For Promotions

:: “A sudden illness or celebrating a birthday were never excuses for your missing a day in your job. Getting this promotion is a reward for your perseverance, effort and interest proven in your performance”.
Category :Congratulations For Promotions

:: “Your commitment to being better in your position has been the springboard to your promotion. Keep your perseverance up and they will know they did not make a mistake with you. Congratulations”.
Category :Congratulations For Promotions

We wish these congratulation phrases for a promotion motívate your coworkers to acknowledge the merit in your achievement.

Image: photostock /

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