Last modified 01/19/2024

facebook sms, facebook texts, facebook thoughtsNice free phrases for Facebook

Facebook is one of the most popular social networks nowadays. When you enter your account you can see your friend’s latest publications.

It is usual to upload photographs and videos, as well as publications made where it is mentioned what people are doing and where they are at. You can also express your mood through a creative message to let your friends know how you are.

If you are searching for thoughts that will attract the attention of your friends, then look no further. In this article we present you with a list of free status for Facebook. Post them on your wall or on the wall of your friends and they will receive many comments.

Free list of nice free phrases for Facebook:

:: “Life is not how they the paint it on the novels, the good opportunities do not knock on your door, you yourself have to go out and get them”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “The worst mistake of any guy is to leave his mobile phone at the home of his girlfriend”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “I do not fear illness or death but I do fear the parents of my girlfriend”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Your girlfriend is not stupid, she knows when you lie to her, but she does not tell you to see how far you get along with the lie”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Do not let others tell you what you have to do, because there will come a day when you realize you have only lived to please others”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “ Do not compare yourself with others because there will be people who are better and worse than you. You must only strive to improve every day without competing with others”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Objects that you do not use is better to give away to others, maybe another needs it badly”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “When you kiss the girl you like until we cannot remember even our own name”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Sometimes I am alone and all my friends are busy, and when I am busy my friends have free time”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “There are people who leave all their wealth for a passing diversion, I would give my life just to see you happy”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “If someone does not like me, they better to tell me, It would hurt me more to know they just speak to me only by compromise”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Many people do not think what you say and when they realize they made a mistake there is no turning back”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “If you have not done well in your relationships, do not blame love. Blame it on the fools who lied to you”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Some couples exchange vows that only last for a few months”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “When you are with your friends you have no manners and you do not behave, but when you are in the house of your mother in law, you are a gentleman”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Time takes care to heal the wounds of love, but unfortunately there are always scars”.
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “I am not afraid to love, I am afraid of men who lie and just want to take advantage of my good heart”.
Category :phrases for Facebook

Undoubtedly these free status updates will get many Facebook likes and comments.

Image courtesy of “Master isolated images” /

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