Last modified 01/22/2024

peace sms, peace texts, peace thoughtsNice messages about Peace

Since ancient times, many philosophers have tried to find the formula for peace. Although it seems simple, it is actually the most difficult thing to establish both a country and for its inhabitants. To live in peace is not necessary to eliminate the differences, but it is important to learn to respect the points of view of all around us. When you live in the absence of peace people lead really difficult lives.

Today it seems that peace is being eliminated more and more worldwide. It is not only an evil that is the responsibility of governments, but it is also something that is up to each person. Each individual can choose to lead a life that is free of resentment and negative feelings. The peace that we all desire can always be found when we feel good about ourselves. In this article we offer you some thoughts about peace. Share some of these thoughts with your family or friends.

Free list of peace messages:

:: “Sometimes we regret the fact that there is no peace in our society without realizing that we should try to be at peace with ourselves first”.
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:: “We come into this world to be happy and the only way to accomplish this is through peace . May living in peace be our top priority”.
Category :peace messages
:: “We show our wisdom each time we become true peacemakers instead of reacting with anger and hatred, that way we make the world a better place”.
Category :peace messages
:: “If we have a mind and a peaceful heart, the noblest and creative thoughts will surface of our being”.
Category :peace messages
:: “Real heroes do exist, and they are those who are responsible for ensuring the peace and quiet every day of their lives”.
Category :peace messages
:: “There is nothing more powerful than love and the understanding of this principle could lead us to live a quiet life in harmony with others”.
Category :peace messages
:: “Being peaceful does not mean being a coward, it means having the courage to restrain our negative passions and not follow the game of those who want to cause us harm”.
Category :peace messages
:: “He who has his heart alone can discover all the wonders that this world and creation have for us”.
Category :peace messages
:: “If you know yourself you can be at peace with yourself and with others”.
Category :peace messages
:: “The road to inner peace is within you, so do not look into the corners of the world or in the words of those who say much”.
Category :peace messages
:: “Live in harmony with your surroundings and with the people around you, only then you will see that peace will begin to fill your mind”.
Category :peace messages
:: “Happiness is linked to peace, if you have one of the two, it is because the other for sure has been present in your life but you have not noticed it yet”.
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:: “ If you want to be at peace with others, you must first learn to forgive and accept yourself as a person, then you will understand that you respect the differences you have with others in order to live in peace”.
Category :peace messages

Many people try to seek peace throughout their lives and only after countless live experiences, they find that it has always been available but they have not known how to find it. Learn to meditate and know yourself, you will see that the more you do, you will begin to glimpse that beautiful feeling . Remember that in our website you will always find many inspirational messages.

Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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