Last modified 01/25/2024

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 When people are in love, they find many ways of letting their loved ones know how much love they feel. Everything works to let their love show: message, notes, letters, poems, music. You might be looking for a way to tell your boyfriend all your feelings for him. Here you will find several models of sweet ideal letters to write to your boyfriend so he learns about your feelings.

Sweet Letter for your Boyfriend Model n° 1:

To : Felipe

My darling:

You are in my mind now and I want to write it down. When I look at your picture, I feel my heart beat faster and I cannot describe the happiness that invades me. When I feel your gaze upon my eyes and your hand holding mine, a wonderful feeling wraps me up. Your love has turned my life around.

 I know tomorrow will be better than today because of you. You have given a real reason to my life, and you are my owner now. When we hold and kiss each other, I would say there is nothing better. Trust me when I say you are my ideal mate, I say it from the heart. My life revolves around you and I cannot conceive living without you. You are the most wonderful thing I have lived. All my love for you, soul and heart.

Yours forever.


Sweet Letter for your Boyfriend Model n° 2:

 To : My reason for living

Hello, my love. I hope you perceive all the happiness I transmit to you when I write this letter when you read it, and I hope it makes you happy. I could not finish this letter if I described all my love for you. Words would not be enough. Just thinking of you makes me write this. I know I will never love anybody like I love you. I would do anything for you and I only want to spend time with you.

 You are my reason for living and my great love. My most wonderful experience is when you kiss and hold me because I feel so love and taken care of. Expressing our love with sweet words will make it grow even more. You have my word that I had never felt anything like this for anybody before, and I am very happy that you are my boyfriend. I hope this letter makes you understand how much I love you and think of you.


Sweet Letter for your Boyfriend Model n° 3:

 To : My love

Hello my love. It is important you read this letter even if you do not love reading, because the reason to write it will convince you of many things. Knowing you are with me makes my life a dream come true. Remembering our first kiss is remembering since when my heart beats for you. Remembering when we first held hands is remembering the second our souls became one, and seeing you is feeling everything is fine.

 My love, I share all my feelings with you. I know there are better girls than me, but I am sure you are the best boyfriend of all. I love you.


We believe these sweet letters can help you share your feelings with your boyfriend. We wish you like them.

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