Last modified 01/19/2024

single people SMS, single people texts, single people thoughtsNice messages for single people

One might not have couple for many reasons. Because they wish it, the wish make what they want, without the necessity of tell what you are doing and they feel free.

Another reason of the singleness could be that they don’t found the girl or boy that they would like yet and they don’t want to relate with none without the assurance of their feelings.

For any reason, if you like to show phrases by the social media about of your loving situation, next we show you a list of messages that you can share with your friends.

Free list of single people messages:

:: “I don’t care if I don’t have a boyfriend who stay with. What really matters is being free of doing what I want”.
Category :single people messages

:: “The fact of having nothing which tie me up allows me to be able to go wherever I want and do whatever I want”.
Category :single people messages

:: “I have enough problems with myself to face with others”.
Category :single people messages

:: “Life made me expert and I know that the best is not follow in the love which many times is painful”.
Category :single people messages

:: “If you see me alone without a couple, is because I don’t know her yet”.
Category :single people messages

:: “Is better being alone than bad accompanied”.
Category :single people messages

:: “I don’t need anyone to be happy. I’m happy alone and free”.
Category :single people messages

:: “Being without a couple means seize the life without give explanations to anyone, and don’t suffer for anyone too”.
Category :single people messages

:: “I don’t think to leave my freedom, freedom of being able to do what I want or go wherever I want for someone who doesn’t deserves me”.
Category :single people messages

:: “The most plenary happiness is having the freedom of do all that you want without telling anything to anybody”.
Category :single people messages

:: “I prefer keep my friends, than find the love. Finally the love is not eternal, but friends are forever”.
Category :single people messages

:: “Sentimental situation: Enjoying until someone special comes”.
Category :single people messages

:: “Love is painful. To whom you can love without they make you suffer are the friends. I prefer keep my friends than looking for someone who later breaks my heart”.
Category :single people messages

:: “If I find the ideal man, who gives me my space and be open with his feelings. Then I will think about leave my singleness”.
Category :single people messages

:: “I don’t like that the women think that they have the rights of rummage in all my stuffs for the simple fact of being with them. I choose thousand times being alone and happy”.
Category :single people messages

:: “Life taught me that the love is painful. So I decided to don’t obey the love never more”.
Category :single people messages

:: “I don’t desperate of finding the love, because I know that it will come alone. While I’m happy, free and single. But, if the love knocks my door, I will not waste it”.
Category :single people messages

:: “I trusted in the love many times, but always ended in disillusion. First I thought that the love was wrong, but after I knew that was wrong were the people who don’t know what is really the love”.
Category :single people messages

:: “I don’t worry, because I know that I will have my chance of finding the love, the true love. One person who stays always at my side and understands me, who value my feelings and together we be happy, meanwhile, I don’t think to waste my time with people who no worth”.
Category :single people messages

:: “I believe in love, but I don’t believe in the people, who don’t know to love, but I know that someday I will find the person”.
Category :single people messages

Share these beautiful reflections with all your friends of the social media, maybe you can help someone who really needs it. We hope that you like it.

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