Last modified 01/27/2024

internet tips, internet advices, ads preventionSoftware to prevent internet advertising

Today surfing the internet daily has become a necessity, the intensity of its use has made that the United Nations have determined that Internet access is a human right. Internet brings us all kinds of information immediately and for free, just by typing the item or key word we want to know in a web browser, we get hundreds of thousands of results to access.

For advertising companies is not a secret the great potential of internet publicity offers and therefore they have designed several mechanisms to deliver advertising to the Internet. Some of these mechanisms are invasive and very annoying. This is the case of pop-up ads that appear without our authorization, sometimes occupying the entire screen and be difficult to close.

Other even change the homepage of your browser or toolbars added display space remaining on your browser. If you are tired of annoying advertising on the internet, here we will tell you that you can download and install programs to forget about it.

Ad Muncher

This software is useful to delete announcements advertising on web pages you visit. Additionally, it has special filtering features that you can set to use on certain pages avoiding playing sounds or background music, moving images occupying part of the screen and others. Ad Muncher has compatibility with the latest versions of Windows and most popular internet browsers.


This program offers a radical solution to the problem of Internet advertising, preventing the display of advertising popups so you can navigate without any interruption. Once you install it you will see your docked toolbar to your browser, no malicious code can also change your homepage. PopUpCop always inform you of the actions taken and is compatible with the latest versions of Windows.

Daemon AdKiller

Use this software and you will not be bothered by pop-ups and annoying ads while browsing the internet. This is its great advantage; it acts automatically and keeps a record of locked pages thus increasing their effectiveness. You also have many options to configure its execution.

Pop Down

Is the program if you are tired of being constantly interrupted by internet advertising. When you have it installed you can watch your taskbar anchored to your browser including a button with which you can enable or disable execution and thus avoid opening popups. You will also have an option to control the amount of windows you want your browser to keep open.

My PopupKiller

Use My PopupKiller and say goodbye forever to popups. With this software you will have a simple service as it runs from the system tray and monitors your web browsing automatically closing any popup window according to the level of action you have chosen: automatic, manual and aggressive.

Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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