Last modified 01/22/2024

differences between other social networks and google+, similarities between other social networks and google+, advantages of different social networks, advantages of google+, disadvantages of google+, disadvantages of different social networks, main advantages of google+, main advantages of social networksGoogle +, Google’s social network

Certainly, the use of social networks in recent years has been increased rapidly; the number of network users of Facebook or Twitter is millions now.

This great success is because of the ability of users to keep in touch with friends or people with shared interests. There are other social networks with different purposes and features, such as MySpace, Hi5, Flickr and more besides Facebook and Twitter.

Google didn’t want to be far behind and in June 2011 launched its own social network called Google+ proposing a different way of keeping in touch with friends.

This article will tell you a little more about the requirements and what gives you this new social network, as well as the common features and differences from the other networks.


– In order to easily identify each user, those who wish to have an account in Google + must be over 18 years.

– To get an account on Facebook, Twitter and MySpace you do not need to be 18 years, making them more accessible to teenagers and young adults. This allows them to have multiple accounts with different names.


– Once your account is created, you can group people in circles and talk face to face with them. These are chat rooms where you can open a video chat with up to 10 people, with whom you may exchange the same kind of information.

– It’s a big difference from Facebook, Twitter and Tuenti which also allow users to talk on chat, but only through instant messages, i.e., without the facility of video. Also in some of them, you can only chat with your contacts separately.


– The general information that you would like to share in your profile of Google + will be available to all your contacts. The photos and videos, on the contrary, can be shared only with certain groups or circles of friends.

You can create circles of friends from school, college, work, family, etc., with whom you can share relevant information according to the group.

– On Facebook, Twitter and Hi5, your general profile information is also available to all who you have added as contacts, however, in contrast to Google +, pictures and videos uploaded, will be shared with everyone inevitably.

A family photo would be seen and commented on by your friends. These social networks do not allow you to create circles, but they allow you to label specific people as well as block a contact or contact group that you do not want him to see what you have posted.

We’ve told some of the most important characteristics of the social network Google + and its similarities and differences with other social networks. You would decide to be part of one or more of them and compare their advantages and disadvantages. You would share this information with your friends, they will thank you.


google+ and other social networks, social networks, differences between other social networks and google+, similarities between other social networks and google+, advantages of different social networks, advantages of google+, disadvantages of google+, disadvantages of different social networks, main advantages of google+, main advantages of social networks

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