Last modified 10/05/2023

original friend's messages,original friend's wordings,original friend's smsOriginal Friend’s Phrases for Twitter:

Some say friendship is the most valuable thing in life. Money cannot buy it nor can a university degree. Friendship goes beyond all that.

It is a natural feeling that comes up between people who coexist and know each other for a lifetime.

A good friend gives advice and support in the most difficult times. A good friend will talk about our faults although it is hard for us to listen. A good friend gives out a hand in a crisis.

In short, a good friend will be with us through thick and thin. Nowadays, social networks like Twitter help us connect with our friends on internet. With Twitter we can send short phrases to our contacts and share what we want with them.

Here is a list of original friend’s phrases for Twitter. Your friends will like reading them.

Free samples of original friend’s phrases for Twitter:

:: “It is hard for me to express with words what your friendship means to me. You are like a breeze in the middle of a storm, always taking me in”.
Category :Friend’s phrases for Twitter

:: “In my life I have fallen many times, and I would not have stood up again if you had not been there to help me. There are few friends like you”.
Category :Friend’s phrases for Twitter

:: “There are so many things that unite us that I do not remember when we met. I am sure my affection for you grows stronger every time”.
Category :Friend’s phrases for Twitter

:: “Our friendship is greater than silver, more solid than iron, and more precious than a sunset. You are my most beautiful friend”.
Category :Friend’s phrases for Twitter

:: “Knowing you are with me makes me confident. Everything you say cheers me up, and with your support I will go very far. Friends forever”.
Category :Friend’s phrases for Twitter

:: “I look for you when I need the right advice. You are a friend that helps me a lot”.
Category :Friend’s phrases for Twitter

:: “It is not easy to imagine a happy life without times shared with good friends. I love my friends for that and for a lot more”.
Category :Friend’s phrases for Twitter

:: “Stars in the sky are like friends, not because they are far away, but because they are unrepeatable”.
Category :Friend’s phrases for Twitter

:: “Millions of people could show up in your life, but true friends are very few”.
Category :Friend’s phrases for Twitter

:: “Time goes on and takes away all things fleeting. What is really valuable is eternal, and that includes our friendship”.
Category :Friend’s phrases for Twitter

:: “On the saddest day in my life I got your unconditional support. We celebrated without a stop the most joyful day. You are my best friend”.
Category :Friend’s phrases for Twitter

:: “I have had uncertain times. I am grateful that because of you I can see clearly now. Your friendship helps me. I thank you for that”.
Category :Friend’s phrases for Twitter

:: “I am grateful friendship is free. Otherwise, being your friend would be infinitely expensive”.
Category :Friend’s phrases for Twitter

:: “All ages could go by and our friendship would remain firm and strong. I have all the joy in the world for knowing you are my friend”.
Category :Friend’s phrases for Twitter

We hope you like these original friend’s phrases for Twitter. Remember having a friend is an important help for difficult times.

This is a good reason to share some of these phrases with them, and surely some of them will be pleased to support you when you need it.

Image: photostock /

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