Last modified 10/05/2023

excellent phrases for twitter,best thoughts for twitterNice Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter:

At certain moments in life, a few seemingly simple words can miraculously fix everything. If nothing is going well for you, some encouraging words could cheer you up.

If you quarreled with your couple, a few warm words will soothe your sadness. And if you are confused, the proper advice will help you see clearly.

When you are sincere, it has a mighty effect. In Twitter, a great social network, users post messages with contents about different topics which are interesting, and when other users read them they comment on them.

Therefore, we benefit from Twitter because, besides connecting several people, we can also share phrases and thoughts that might be important.

Here is a list of nice phrases and thoughts for Twitter. Most of your friends will want to read them and share them with other users.

Free samples of Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter :

:: “If you won this time, do not mock the loser. Sometimes you might be on the other side and you would not want to have an embarrassing time”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “It will always be better to forget an unrequited love. If you are with someone who does not love you, you will both get nowhere”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “Human life gets a meaning from its first second. Welcome this gift and enjoy it”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “Sometimes things you planned do not go as you expected. Do not be discouraged, it would be worse for everybody. Be patient and you will see a solution”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “Everything you can improve today will translate in a total improvement in your future”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “It all begins with trusting yourself. Go by what you consider right and do not let anybody else make decisions for you”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “Happiness is in the simple things in life, like being in peace and loving your family. Money helps and is useful, but it is not essential to be happy”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “It is important to take a break in order to work better. If you only work, you could be hit at any moment”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “When you stop and watch the immensity of the ocean, you discover how small you are compared to the world”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “Disappointment comes when you have false expectations. Be sincere always and do not make promises you cannot keep”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “When we are together, my day is the nicest one”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “A river set a distance, but I cut that distance short by building a bridge that joined us, and we are together now”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “A long time ago, there was a love for you that was nested in my heart. I sadly tell you that love flew to another nest”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “Forgiveness heals all wounds in the heart”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “It is important to know that there will be slips, falls and scratches, which do not mean failure but effort to achieve the final objective”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “Life goes on and changes us on the outside, but our heart essence will remain”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

:: “One of the most wonderful things in life is learning something you do not know. It does not matter if you are young or old”.
Category :Phrases and Thoughts for Twitter

We hope you like these nice phrases and thoughts for Twitter. One of them might help to make somebody change their minds about things.

Image: imagerymajestic /

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