Last modified 10/05/2023

singles phrases for twitter,excellent singles phrases for twitterBest cool singles Phrases for Twitter:

Single people can be envied and not properly appreciated.

Many people remain single because they want to or because love has not yet come to their lives.

Nowadays, social networks make it easy for people to connect, and it is almost incredible that anybody could not find somebody to have a relationship with.

The point is that connection on the internet are virtual not real, and it is a fact that many people who have network friends do not have true social contacts in the real world.

Twitter is one of the social networks with most users, and through it many single people have contacted people and found true love.

Here is a list of singles phrases for Twitter. Send them to your single friends.

Best free Singles Phrases for Twitter :

:: “I am sure you are happy in spite of being single, but have faith that you will be double as happy when love comes into your life”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “Somewhere in the world there is somebody with half your heart. Life will join you some day”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “My life style makes me always enjoy everything. I am happy being single. Why should it be otherwise?”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “It is impossible for me to have a relationship that captures me. Being single is my choice, and so is freedom instead of the slavery of love”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “Every time is see my daily work, home and wife, I envy your being single. Enjoy it, because you might run out of luck soon”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “If someone who shares it all with somebody is considered fortunate, then I choose to be less fortunate in the world”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “When you are young, you think life is better living for yourself. But you might want to be in somebody’s company sometime”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “Be brave and dare to declare you love her. You might stop being single. It is up to you”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “If you remain single just to have fun, maybe you will have more fun sharing it with someone”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “If somebody sends you this message “If you get married you will be happy”., they are no friends of yours. My message is: “Remain single and you will be happy”. With the passing of time you will see I am right”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “Many people pledge eternal love in a church and end up divorcing. That is why I remain single and so avoid any trouble”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “I will stop being single as soon as somebody understands my personality. In other words, never”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “Faithfulness does not suit me, neither does making others suffer because of my attitudes. That is why I choose to remain single”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “My heart was broken once. My mind does not remember it anymore, but my heart still does. Therefore I will be single forever”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “I will have fun with my friends today, and if I choose it so will I tomorrow. And so on until I want to. I am single and owner of my life. That is who I am”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

:: “If I have to choose between a life alone and a life with you, I choose to be alone and be a happy single”.
Category :Singles Phrases for Twitter

We hope you liked these singles phrases for Twitter. Keep in mind that being single is a stage of being both alone and totally free.

Image: David Castillo Dominici /

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