Last modified 10/09/2023

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In recent years, job searches have changed considerably. Now, it is not necessary for people to go from company to company delivering their curriculum vitae or to buy the newspaper to find advertised job offers. Thanks to the internet, things have become a lot easier since companies post their job offers through their official web pages or make deals through specialized employment bureaus that are on the Internet.

Each job offer must mention the requirements that the person must meet in order to apply for the post and the contact information to submit your resume and begin your selection process. If you find a job offer that you like, you send your resume in an email and write a short message in which you talk about your skills and experience that makes you a strong candidate to fill the position.

In this section we bring you some models you send email with your resume and thus, increase your chances of being called for an interview.

Model 1 of a letter to apply for a job:

From: Mercedes Ossa Pérez
To: Landenberg Peru

Dear Sirs:

Through this mail I approach you to apply for the position of social worker. I think that I meet all the requirements requested by you and also I have five years of work experience in the same position in different companies. I have the time to start working immediately. Enclosed is my resume with my complete information. I am very grateful for the attention granted.

Model 2 of a letter to apply for a job:

From: Alberto Martinez
To: Nescam S.A.

Dear Sirs:

Through this letter I turn to you, Nescam SA, to make my official nomination for the post of business manager. While reviewing your job offers published in the web page I realizes that the post offered by you is perfect for me. I have eight years’ experience in similar positions in which I have demonstrated competence, honesty and quality in my work. Enclosed is my resume for you to review in more depth all of my professional profile.

Thank you very much and until the next opportunity.

Model 3 of a letter to apply for a job:

From: Ana López Huaman
To: Cardini stores

Dear Sirs:

Through this post I address the human resources area of Cardini stores to apply for the position of accounting assistant. I meet all the requirements for the position and I additionally have eight years’ experience in the position in question. I am a proactive person who likes to learn constantly and give their best in their work.

To formalize my application, I send my curriculum vitae. Thank you for your attention.

Model 4 of a letter to apply for a job:

From: Yolanda Campos
To: Corpac S.A.


The purpose of this email is to submit my formal application for the post of receptionist secretary because I meet all the requirements and I am very interested in the position in question in your company.

I have an eight year track record in similar positions in which I have always stood by my responsibility, honesty and compliance. I hope I get the opportunity to be part of your business, for that reason I attach my resume to this e-mail. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to apply for the position.

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