Last modified 01/20/2024

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If you are experiencing a disappointment in love because of a man who simply wanted to take advantage of your good feelings, then you are in the right place because on the next few lines we offer you a list of texts you can post on your wall to show everyone in the world how you feel about living a disappointment in love.

Download free love deception phrases:

:: “I feel a deep rage for what you did to me, but believe me when I say that I do not need anything from you, instead you will be the one missing me”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “I guess you will go for your next victim now, because in love all you want is to have fun without consequences. Poor woman the one who believes your delusions”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “You are the worst scum that exists in the whole world, I was a complete fool to think there might be something good in you, you were a total mistake in my life”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “Maybe you think that I will be wallowing in sorrow because of what happened, but I want you to know that all I feel is a great relief because I discovered who you are and that you do not deserve anything from me”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “I gave you my heart and you did not take care of it, you are the cruelest man I have ever known, you do not know what love means and you will never know”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “You always seem to be a good boy, but on the inside you are actually a true monster capable of doing wrong without remorse. You do not deserve anything good in this life”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “I gave you the best of me and in return you paid me back with the most cruel betrayal, you really do not deserve to achieve happiness in this life or in the next one”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “I wanted to achieve a wonderful future by your side, and I can consider myself lucky because I discovered that were not worth it just in time”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “I do not know and I do not care how many more women you told were your one and only love. A liar like you is easily spotted, now I no longer want to hear from you anymore”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “It would be very cruel if I wished another woman to have something with you, not even my greatest enemy would deserve to have something with someone as terrible as you”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “I have learned to listen to the people who care about me because they always warned me about you but I ignored them, you are nothing but a liar”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “Sooner or later you will pay for all your lies and deception and it better be soon because otherwise you will get old and you will be left alone and helpless”.
Category: love deception messages

Share any of these texts on Facebook and you will receive many “likes”. Come back to our website anytime.

Share love deception phrases

Share on your wall any of the texts we bring you on the lines below in order to express your disappointment; you will see that you will feel much better and that you will receive a lot of support from your contacts.

Download free love deception texts:

:: “What good was it to love so much if what I received on return was your betrayal. From now on I will shut my heart forever”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “Our dreams collapsed like a house of cards when I discovered that you were playing with my feelings all this time”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “I feel a great disappointment for having placed my trust in a person who did not value me at all”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “I do not know if you will ever pay for the tears I shed, all I know is that I am left very disappointed”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “I thought your friendship was sincere, but apparently you only used me. I am very disappointed because of you”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “This sadness has shattered my heart, I just hope that someday the wounds you left on it will heal”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “I am very disappointed for everything, things do not go as you want, people are not as you think … everything is false in this world”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “It makes me so disappointed to see that people is more selfish and lazy every day”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “I thought that I would be happy by your side, but instead of accomplishing my dreams, you turned my life into a nightmare”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “I now realize that you are not who you said you were, now all I can do is to never to believe in anyone anymore”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “With your words you took me to heaven, but with your deceits you made me know hell”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “Everything was happiness to me until you came along and ruined all the good things I had in my world”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “I loved you unconditionally, with no limits, no barriers and this is how you repay me. It is not fair what you did to me”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “After making fun of me now you now come and tell me to forgive you. I can do it, but nothing will cure all the suffering you made me go through”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “Where is the eternal love you swore for me, how have all your promises disappeared so quickly, I do not think I deserve all the pain I am feeling”.
Category: love deception messages
:: “I find myself sailing in a sea of doubt; I do not understand how you were able to hurt me that way”.
Category: love deception messages

:: “You said you loved me and now you are with someone else. I was so foolish for trusting you and wasting my time with you”.
Category: love deception messages

:: “Your betrayal made me see that not everything in this world is pretty and that unfortunately there are people who are ungrateful by nature”.
Category: love deception messages

Do not forget that on our website we have a variety of texts that are updated constantly, so come back anytime.

Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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