Last modified 01/22/2024
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Christmas quotes

With great joy we start this article with the most beautiful Christmas phrases to wish your most sincere greetings to those who you appreciate.
We hope that these cute Christmas greetings to send to your family and friends are appropriate to make you feel the true meaning of Christmas.
Lines below, we leave the most original Christmas messages to share with your loved ones in this precious celebration.
Send cute Christmas messages:
:: “If I say that I feel much appreciation for you, I would say little, I want you to know that my feelings go beyond what you imagine. Have a beautiful Christmas Eve”.
Category: Christmas SMS
:: “For you with a lot of love I send this little Christmas detail, hope you have a wonderful evening. Merry Christmas”.
Category: Christmas SMS
:: “When you dream of something beautiful it means that you are waiting for a nice surprise like this letter that I am sending you today to wish you the best of the world. Have a cute Christmas Eve”.
Category: Christmas SMS
:: “Receive my best wishes; hope you have a cute Christmas in the company of your family. I send you a hug and many kisses”.
Category: Christmas SMS
:: “With open arms I hope to receive you on Christmas Eve to give you a big hug. Let us unite to remember good times. Merry Christmas”.
Category: Christmas SMS
:: “Take your hands to praise the Child Jesus, shelter all the desolate feelings and make them a feeling of love and union. Merry Christmas”.
Category: Christmas SMS
Very cute Christmas texts:
:: “May the joy of living surrounded by good people last and with the passage of time you leave a big mark among those who are by your side. Merry Christmas”.
Category: Christmas messages
:: “May the cold of Christmas Eve turn into deep heat when our Baby Jesus comes to be born in Bethlehem. May everyone share a beautiful and beloved Christmas”.
Category: Christmas messages
:: “All the chants and carols are addressed to the Child God who will be born on December 25 at 12 midnight. Congratulations for all families at Christmas”.
Category: Christmas messages
:: “Another year blessed with the birth of Jesus, may this Christmas bring peace and prosperity to your home and your personal life. Congratulations”.
Category: Christmas messages
:: “For the most precious and respected families I know, I send my Christmas Eve greeting with the hope that life will give you union, tranquility and above all love. Merry Christmas”.
Category: Christmas messages
:: “If you do not have anyone to pray with on this Christmas Eve, pray by yourself because God always listens to the one who acclaims him. May Christmas be a time of love and peace. Merry Christmas”
Category: Christmas messages
We finish this cute chapter with beautiful Christmas texts to share with your family and friends, likewise find short and wonderful Christmas messages to send to your friends who are not close to you.
The best original Christmas quotes
It is never too late to tell someone that you love and appreciate him/her. Moreover, what a better date and opportunity to express your true feelings that at Christmas. Thinking about it, we have created very nice Christmas dedications to send to your loved ones.
Here, you will find original Christmas verses to declaim to your friends or relatives and through them share the best of you.
Below, we leave you beautiful Christmas texts that you can accompany to a present or you can simply dedicate to whom you appreciate.
Download nice Christmas phrases:
:: “That time passes does not mean that I have forgotten you, receive this present as a Christmas detail and a sign that I am always remembering you. Merry Christmas”.
Category: Christmas texts
:: “Errors have a solution, if something happens, there will be time to solve it and explain what happened. May this Christmas illuminate you and clarify everything you think is impossible to remedy. Blessings. Merry Christmas”.
Category: Christmas texts
:: “May God bless you and your Parents in this beautiful Christmas. I consider you a great friend and I hope next time I visit your city we could share some good time. Merry Christmas”.
Category: Christmas texts
:: “When we were little we used to play on Christmas Eve. Today, I miss our games, but I live with the nice memory of having been very happy as children. Merry Christmas today, tomorrow and always”.
Category: Christmas texts
:: “May the beauty of the Virgin Mary and the nobility of St. Joseph, seize your soul to receive the unconditional love of the Child Jesus in this beautiful Christmas”.
Category: Christmas texts
:: “That the Christmas Holidays are reason to reflect and have the purpose of amendment. Receive a hug of peace. Merry Christmas”.
Category: Christmas texts
:: “With all the respect it deserves I offer the most delicate greetings to you and your family. I hope this Christmas is filled with unity, joy and hope. Merry Christmas”.
Category: Christmas texts
The best beautiful Christmas SMS:
:: “May the Christmas tree arrangement be made with a lot of love so that when lighting the bulbs they reflect all the joy and kindness with which they were decorated. Merry Christmas for everyone”.
Category: Christmas phrases
:: “Each little angel will come down from the sky to give us sparks of kindness, a little bit of his love and so much happiness for each one of us. We hope that we join in prayer on this Christmas Eve”.
Category: Christmas phrases
:: “What joy it feels to receive a Christmas hug from someone you really appreciate. I hope that in this Christmas Eve you receive more than a deep hug that transmits love and happiness. Merry Christmas”.
Category: Christmas phrases
:: “You do not know how much I wish the arrival of Christmas to let you know that you are an important part of my life. My heart is always with you. Merry Christmas”.
Category: Christmas phrases
:: “I want this Christmas greeting to be taken as one of the best you have received and that in the future be part of your happiness. Merry Christmas”.
Category: Christmas phrases
:: “I prefer to tell you that I will miss you so much this Christmas, instead of just staying with the feeling of not seeing you. Receive a blessed Christmas and my feelings of appreciation”.
Category: Christmas phrases
We end this article with beautiful Christmas expressions to share with your loved ones. Remember that you can also send nice Christmas SMS to your friends or relatives who are far away.
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