Last modified 01/27/2024

free studies, Internet, internet studiesMake your professional studies online and for free

With the advent of Internet the distances and barriers have been reduced, just as access to information has increased considerably today studies are possible from anywhere in the world virtually.

All you need is a computer with which you can access the Internet and many wills to learn. In many colleges and universities have special programs for anyone in any country can attend virtual studies for free.

Then we will give more information to study a degree online.


Through this site you can access various courses taught by the most prestigious universities in the United States. Increase your knowledge in the areas offered through these courses. If you are a student such courses that will be useful to supplement your training. Among the courses offered can be found:

– Electricity and Magnetism.
– Elements of Structures.
– Introduction to Statistics.
– Fundamentals in Graphic Design.
– Circuits and Electronics.

It is noteworthy that these are no-cost courses and are led by noted studio houses like MIT and Harvard University. To access them and get more information you can go to


This prestigious university in the United States offers a great service to all the international educational community offering various online study programs for free. All these courses are geared towards engineering and we find the following:

– Introduction to Computer Science.
– Artificial Intelligence.
– Linear Systems and Optimization
– Engineering Support Courses.

To access these courses simply must enter site and follow the instructions indicated.

University of California – Berkeley

This is one of the best universities in the United States and it has implemented a system of online teaching through classroom sessions that have been recorded and uploaded to the Internet.

If you visit the University’s account on YouTube you can access all kinds of careers that are held in this university. Although it is a complete collection of videos, not formal courses but will be very useful if you are pursuing their studies. Login to: and you can see all the videos.

Easy Classroom

This is a great option to take professional studies through the Internet and in Spanish. Only searching the area related to your interest you will see all the available materials. This allows you to take courses in Nutrition, Economics, Physics, Computer Science, etc. They include various language courses which are divided in cycles. For more information, visit the page

Like these sites there are other sites that also offer free courses through the Internet and online curriculum. The only requirement you must meet is to have a computer with Internet access, computer science domain and have a high level of English.

Although these careers are not officially entitled, they will help you to make your way in the professional world.

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