Last modified 01/25/2024

working visas in us, american work visa, types of american work visasRequirements to obtain a work visa in the United States

Motivated by a better lifestyle and better choices for their children’s lives, from nearly five decades, people aspire to the American dream. In this paper, we present the requirements for obtaining a work visa in the United States.

To work legally in the United States you must obtain a work visa because with a tourist or student visa you cannot work. The work visa is obtained, being sponsored by an American company, operating on American soil, guaranteed by the Immigration Service.

The requirements for obtaining a work visa vary according to the category of this. The requirements for obtaining a visa, according to the category, are:

H-1B Visa:

Aimed at professional temporary workers, i.e. the company should be your sponsor, and it should give a formal job offer, following the provisions of the Department of Employment and Immigration. To obtain this Visa is required:

– The vacancy should not be filled by a U.S. citizen.
– The working time is three years, maximum six years.
– The worker must have some degree.

H-2B Visa :

Temporary Workers Aimed at non-professional, i.e. you do not need a university education and the hiring company will be the sponsor. To obtain this Visa is required:

– The vacancy must be oriented to tourism, forestry and household work.
– The working time is one year, three years maximum
– Commit to return to the country of origin
– Have two years of experience in the business to work

All persons wishing to work in the United States, must have proficiency in English, we recommend having certificates to prove this proficiency, to access better job opportunities and enjoy better pay.

For applicants with academic degrees, they must find out what process should be followed, so that their studies taken abroad might be recognized in the United States, and after revalidate their transcript, may exercise their professional activities.

It is recommended to have legal advice to understand immigration rules that it must be met to get better job options. This advice is vital, because now that immigration controls are rigorous.

Finally, the United States granted 140,000 work visas for immigrants each year, we must not forget that the type of visa to work legally is the type H1-B and H2-B, depending on the conditions of the applicant. It is advisable to obtain all the information in detail, for having no doubts.

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