Last modified 01/22/2024

wedding messages, wedding phrases, wedding smsNice wedding phrases for my husband

Matrimony is one of the most important events in the life of the grooms. Here begins a whole life that will share to each other full of adversities and success together.

Usually in the marriages the couple uses to dedicate to each other beautiful phrases of love and affection. The promise each other eternal love and make them happy for the rest of their lives.

If you like the idea of dedicate to your husband a beautiful words showing him all the love that you feel for him and you don’t know how to begin or what to say, don’t worry, next we will show you a list of beautiful words that you can use. We hope that all of these have been of your liking.

Free list of wedding phrases for my husband:

:: “Today our relationship is being blessing for the Lord; he is witness of our eternal love. You are the love of my life and this is the beginning of an entire life together full of affection and loyalty. I love you treasure”.
Category :wedding phrases

:: “Since we met we fell in love profoundly. Even we had some questions about us, now I know that our destiny is being together. You are the love of my life and I’m very happy of being your wife”.
Category :wedding phrases

:: “Although we had problems to keep our relationship, now I’m can tell that all that we have done was worth because you are the person that I love the most in this life. We have fought for make our love lasts and I’m sure that it will last forever”.
Category :wedding phrases

:: “You made me the happiest woman of the earth when you asked for my hand and now that we are in front of the Lord promising each other eternal love, seems like I were living a dream. I love you my love, I want to get old at your side”.
Category :wedding phrases

:: “Our love is so big that we need God as a witness. Now my life is yours and I promise love you and be faithful forever”.
Category :wedding phrases

:: “Since I was a little girl I always dreamed with someday get married. Seems like if I were living a dream. You are the perfect man which I dreamed all my life and I’m very grateful with the heaven for putting you in my road. I love you more than anything”.
Category :wedding phrases

:: “We have passed wonderful moments together, our courtship was the best time of my life and now that we will be together for the eternity, I can’t believe this happiness that I’m feeling. I thank you for sharing with me your love and being the kind of man that you are. I love you husband”.
Category :wedding phrases

:: “Destiny united us in this time of the year and I can be sure to say that you are the man that I always wanted and dreamed. I love you with craziness and I want to spend the rest of my life at your side”.
Category :wedding phrases

:: “Since the very first time that I met you, I knew that between us something special would happen, and I didn’t wrong. You are the man of my life and a wonderful person. I’m very happy of marry with you and spend all the days that I have on live at your side”.
Category :wedding phrases

:: “Today is the first of many plans that we have for our life together. We are beginning a new stage and I feel very happy of be able to spend with you. Surely life will have many obstacles but if we are together we could get over all of them. I love you my love”.
Category :wedding phrases

:: “I know that our love will be stronger while the years pass because God is our witness and blesses us with a marriage full of happiness. From now we will be only one person and our love will grow more every day”.
Category :wedding phrases

:: “If the tears spill from my face is for the happiness that I have at known that I will spend the rest of my life at your side. I’m profoundly in love with you, I love you”.
Category :wedding phrases

:: “Since we are together I know the true love, this love that I have for you is so big and sincere that I’m sure I will grow along the time. I love you and I will do it forever my husband”.
Category :wedding phrases

:: “From now, I will be at your side forever supporting you every time that you need me. From now we will be one and I will always be for making you the happiest person. I love you my king, you are my life”.
Category :wedding phrases

Share these beautiful words with your husband for show him how much you love him and how happy you are at sharing the rest of your life with him. We hope that these messages have been to your liking.

Image courtesy of “phanlop88” /

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