Last modified 01/22/2024

girl messages,girl wordings,girl smsGirl Phrases on Facebook:

Girls look at the world in a different way. We have a higher sensibility and accept romantically all we are told with love. We are confident about our affections and we talk in a straightforward way.

If our love interest does not take it personally and does not approach us, we come over and send them signals which are impossible to miss so they feel accepted and come close to us.

In social networks like Facebook, we can express our mutual feeling and our current mood. We girls often color up our spaces, either virtual or physical, by decorating with nice things, sweet drawings, pictures of us or our friends, emoticons and nice phrases.

Do you need ideas about what phrases to put on your Facebook? Here are some girl phrases for Facebook. Use them and share them with your friends. They will surely like them.

Free samples of girl phrases on Facebook:

:: “Freedom is my most important reason to be happy. I am pretty, and I am in love with love and life”.
Category :Girl phrases on Facebook

:: “The world would not be the same without us. We must be fair: we paint life pink”.
Category :Girl phrases on Facebook

:: “When we walk we leave a trace. When we talk we share tenderness, and we think love is sublime. A girl is like this”.
Category :Girl phrases on Facebook

:: “Time may go by and it will be the same. History shows the world always treats us with respect. We have inspired great wars and fought battles. We have inspired many artists. The world turns around us”.
Category :Girl phrases on Facebook

:: “We cannot forecast what will happen tomorrow, but I am sure that today, tomorrow and in the future we will make men crazy. Our kiss can cause a terminal addiction”.
Category :Girl phrases on Facebook

:: “Men can cry when it is about us. In our case, when there is a great sorrow, we cry and nobody judges us”.
Category :Girl phrases on Facebook

:: “My friends and I think that being a girl is a privilege. We can achieve our goals quickly with just a smile”.
Category :Girl phrases on Facebook

:: “If we ask a man what they want from life, surely most of them would answer they want a woman who loves them. Nothing compares to us”.
Category :Girl phrases on Facebook

:: “We love tenderly, but deceit works like a fire extinguisher and puts out all our love. We girls are more sensitive and we value honesty above all”.
Category :Girl phrases on Facebook

:: “Girls used to wait for a fairy tale prince charming to come and woo us. Today, we make them wait for us”.
Category :Girl phrases on Facebook

:: “A girl like me only wants a true and honest love. It is not much to ask, but it is hard to achieve”.
Category :Girl phrases on Facebook

:: “We take so much time to look good not because we want all eyes on us, but because it makes us feel good”.
Category :Girl phrases on Facebook

We hope you like these girl phrases for Facebook. Remember we girls make this world nicer, like flowers in a garden.

Image: Andy Newson /

Send your originals Sms,text,text messages,quotes ,girl phrases on Facebook, and will be published ,others friends will thank you .

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