Last modified 01/22/2024

funny birthday greetings messages,funny birthday greetings wordings,funny birthday greetings smsFunny Birthday Greetings for Facebook and Twitter:

Common and ordinary days are also particular, and our birthday is the most special day in the year. Turning a year older does not happen all the time; it is the day we celebrate we are alive one more year.

On this special day, people who are fond of us like family, friends, coworkers, etc. will greet us and hopefully will give us a present. Besides all that, it is a chance to check our objectives in life and organize an outing to have a good time.

Nowadays, social networks like Twitter and Facebook help us find out when it is one of our friend´s birthdays. Is it one of your friends’ birthday and you are looking for a suggestion on what to write to them?

Here are some choices to greet them on this special day in a funny way. With these greetings your friends will know you remembered their birthday and they will also have fun when you send the messages.

Free samples of funny greetings for Facebook and Twitter:

:: “Happy birthday! If you were granted a wish as a present, I would surely not be alive. Just kidding. I am very fond of you and I know it is mutual, so my best wishes for you”.
Category :Funny greetings for Facebook and Twitter

:: “It is your birthday and it would be good if you invited me to celebrate. I could give you a present and by the way get my present in advance by stealing a kiss from your sister. =)”.
Category :Funny greetings for Facebook and Twitter

:: “Happy birthday, dear friend! Although you are older and grumbly, I will never leave you. Not true, you are the nicest and most amazing friend of all. Happy birthday”.
Category :Funny greetings for Facebook and Twitter

:: “Fortunately I wrote down on my agenda that today is the birthday of the most foolish of my friends. That is how I know it is your birthday. Do not get mad, it is a joke. I know you are smarter than Einstein”.
Category :Funny greetings for Facebook and Twitter

:: “If it is your birthday today, turn around 60 times. If you get dizzy and want to puke, it means that despite your age you will always be the same obedient boy. =) Seriously, I hope you have a happy birthday”.
Category :Funny greetings for Facebook and Twitter

:: “I do not know why, but I have been thinking all day that I am forgetting something. Surely it is nothing important. If you found out what it is, please let me know. Did you think I was being serious? Happy birthday”.
Category :Funny greetings for Facebook and Twitter

:: “I am not especially good at writing the best birthday greetings. I can make an effort and say happy birthday, but if you invite me to your party I will surely be inspired”.
Category :Funny greetings for Facebook and Twitter

:: “I will soon give you a birthday hug. I beg you open the door quickly with a piece of cake for me because I have more important things to do. It is a joke. What could be nicer than greeting my best friend on their birthday? Happy birthday”.
Category :Funny greetings for Facebook and Twitter

We hope these birthday greetings please you. They are so funny and original that they will certainly make your friends smile.

Image: digitalart /

Send your originals Sms,text,text messages,quotes ,funny greetings for Facebook and Twitter, and will be published ,others friends will thank you .

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