Last modified 01/20/2024

Best love messages
for GirlfriendBeautiful love text messages to send by Whatsapp

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As much as you would like to spend all day with your partner, this is not always possible because you both also need your space to develop different activities but it is not an impediment to dedicate a cute romantic phrase by Whatsapp.

In this article we present a selection of beautiful love thoughts that you can share by text messages to your partner so that in moments that you are not together, he would know how much you love him.Romantic phrases you should say to your love

Sweet love messages for Gf

:: “I would like to know at this time if, when I look at your eyes, your wishes are the same as mine”.
Category : Sweet love messages

:: “I would love to hold you in these moments while I caress your lips and I give you a kiss to seal my love for you”.
Category : Sweet love messages

:: “Look in my eyes the reflection of the love I feel for you and you would also see yourself reflected in my soul”.
Category : Sweet love messages

:: “I love when you put your head on my chest while we pause before resuming our caresses”.
Category : Sweet love messages

:: “The best thing about my dreams is that I can make them reality and be with the protagonist of my desires”.
Category : Sweet love messages

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Cute & romantic love messages

:: “I really love you and I feel the need for you because you have become the air that gives me life”.
Category : Romantic love messages

:: “I close my eyes and I think of you to remember the beautiful moments that we share together and that awaken emotions that fill my heart with joy”.
Category : Romantic love messages

:: “In the silent nights I can hear the beats of my heart that seeks you and want to reach you”.
Category : Romantic love messages

:: “To fill your absence, it is enough to think of you and relive the most beautiful moments we usually share together”.
Category : Romantic love messages

:: “I want to have you near me all my life, I’ll start by giving you a big hug”.
Category : Romantic love messages

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” I  love you ” Whatsapp messages

:: “I love you without explanation and it confirms that unconditional love exists”.
Category : Whatsapp romantic messages

:: “What I most want in these moments is to feel your breathing that is like a caress and desire for you”.
Category : Whatsapp romantic messages

:: “My heart has fallen in love and I feel like if I am a slave to the love that my soul has for you”.
Category : Whatsapp romantic messages

:: “You will always be in the most beautiful place in the world, where everything stops, I lose my breath while my heart beats very strong of emotion for being in your arms”.
Category : Whatsapp romantic messages

:: “The feeling that we share is reciprocal and I will never skimp on filling you with attention because you are the person I love”.
Category : Whatsapp romantic messages

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Best love phrases free download

:: “You are a person who should not miss what you deserve: love, tenderness, fidelity”.
Category : Love phrases

:: “When you’re not with me, it’s so easy to feel alone even if you’re surrounded by so many people”.
Category : Love phrases

:: “A sincere and in love look is the most beautiful demonstration of the affection we dedicate every day to each other”.
Category : Love phrases

:: “In love, everything is not roses and flowers, it is being patient even in moments when we are in a bad mood”.
Category : Love phrases

:: “By your side my days are happy and serene, we spend unforgettable moments that remain as footprints in the soul”.
Category : Love phrases I love you my Princess romantic messages

” You are my love ”
Messenger messages

:: “The most attractive thing of you is your great personality that makes you unique, and every day I feel more in love with you”.
Category : Messenger romantic messages

:: “In your eyes I see the love and sincerity of a person who would be incapable of betraying me”.
Category : Messenger romantic messages

:: “When we are angry your silence can be a cruel weapon that I fear even more than a word spoken in a moment of anger”.
Category : Messenger romantic messages

:: “Your kisses and caresses are perfect and timely, they make me feel alive and with the world under my feet”.
Category : Messenger romantic messages

:: “There is no greater satisfaction that having in front of me the person that I love the most in the whole world”.
Category : Messenger romantic messagesBest Whatsapp love text messages for Her


Short I miss you
love text mesages

:: “Our love is very strong and for that reason we are like souls who will love each other wherever we are”.
Category : Short love text messages

:: “Your hug is always my comfort zone and sometimes I feel that there is not another place where I should be but in your arms”.
Category : Short love text messages

:: “Honey, we should live every day fully because we do not know what the future can reserve for us”.
Category : Short love text messages

:: “The sincerity of my feelings is in my eyes and heart, there is no way I can pretend feeling another way, and I am lost without you”.
Category : Short love text messages

:: “We react differently to problems while one despairs the other gives encouragement and tranquility”.
Category : Short love text messagesBest text messages to make her fall in love with you

Romantic & charming
text messages for Girlfriend

:: “Overcoming the difficulty and adversity of life will be easier because our love is founded on solid feelings”.
Category : Romantic text messages

:: “Every day lived by your side is a blessing and a beautiful experience”.
Category : Romantic text messages

:: “In the simplicity of the attentions that you have with me I see the greatness of your love for me”.
Category : Romantic text messages

:: “I will always have a word for you in a difficult moment, and I will always have for you a big smile and hug when you feel down”.
Category : Romantic text messages

:: “Your sweet gaze reaches my heart and shows me the desire you hide in your thoughts”.
Category : Romantic text messages

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Cute love quotes &
sayings straight from the heart

:: “Only a glance from you show me the way you want to lose yourself with me”.
Category : Love quotes

:: “Continuous demonstrations of love give credibility and balance to our relationship”.
Category : Love quotes

:: “In every detail you have with me you show me your true feelings . I love you so much !”.
Category : Love quotes

:: “For you I have poems that are not written or recited because they are composed of love silent gestures”.
Category : Love quotes

Here you have many of the best love phrases that you can find so choose one and send it to your girlfriend. It will be appreciated if you share this website with your friends that also want to find nice love texts. See you soon!

download I miss you love text messages

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