Last modified 10/05/2023

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A Notebook is a very important equipment of relevant information for all users who own one; this is why the user must own safety measures, which will help him or her in cases of equipment robbery or loss. As follows, we will list some basic safety measures:

The user must always own a backup of all the data stored in his or her notebook, since some times the kept information can be more valuable that the notebook; it is the case of the bank employees, politicians or workers of some institution that wants to keep confidential information.

It is recommendable to use the security option at a user level of the operating system, which will be helpful at the time of beginning any session, since it will be necessary to provide a password to get access to the system, where the personal information is kept.

The steps that must be followed are very simple, it is only necessary to go the start menu, then to the Control Panel, and click in the option that says user accounts, where the user will be able to add, to clear and to change accounts, also a guess account can be created, which is automatically created, placing some limitations so that the guest cannot accede to the important system files and to other valuable documents for the user.

• According to the notebook model, is possible to habilitate the tracker, since some internet pages internet provide the option of raking via GPS (global positioning system), in case it does not have this option, it is possible to use other programs that can remotely intervene the notebook, such is the case of a software that allows to erase the hard drive, and that, by programming means, it sends commands that only the owner knows; all these safety elements use the tracking means, they have expensive prices, which is why each tracking method must be analyzed, so then we can acquire the most suitable one.

• Finally it is necessary to report the notebook theft, filling the corresponding report, since this will be very useful for authorities to identify when and where the notebook robbery was executed; besides, this way it will be possible to fight the robberies, little by little. In case notebook has some sort guarantee that covers robberies, the user will benefited with compensation, for which he or she will need the filled report at the time of the police report.

It is also recommendable to buy registered merchandise, since illicit merchandise contributes to the increase of robbery and contraband; it is more ought to happen with notebooks that do not have guarantees or that were offered to a reduced price. Not having a guarantee can be a great economic risk in some cases, since some pieces are even more expensive than the notebook itself, which is why it is better to acquire a notebook registered in trustable establishments, because in other cases, the notebook can be of doubtful origin, and we could be been offered a stolen notebook.


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