Last modified 01/20/2024

sad status in facebook,sad phrases for Facebook, most sad phrases for FacebookSad Statuses to Use in Facebook:

There are both sad and happy times in life. At some point, things will happen to us that are so dramatic they will transform many things we believed in and lead us to question our personal style when the crisis comes.

If we consider some real possibilities like ending our relationship, we will probably feel very sad and down and we will at love in a different way.

Also, if a person we love very much dies, we are totally expected to be sad and distressed for the loss. Therefore, it is likely that during our lives we will face sad situations.

In the present, people convey through social networks like Facebook how they are feeling and their mood. Is it hard for you to share your sad mood today and want to know how to do it?

In this report you will find some suggestions to tell your Facebook friends you are sad. These phrases will make your friends understand your weariness and feel your sorrow.

Free samples of sad phrases for Facebook :

:: “Knowing I will no longer have his love makes everything meaningless. It makes me lose hope in living my dreams. I feel like life is over”.
Category :Sad phrases for Facebook

:: “We are saying our goodbyes, and besides being sad, I miss you already. Some many happy memories we shared. It makes me sad to think we will not meet again. I will miss you all, my dear friends”.
Category :Sad phrases for Facebook

:: “My heart is wounded, I am not sure I will believe in love again. I hope to get you out of my mind because you hurt me deeply”.
Category :Sad phrases for Facebook

:: “My last wish it to be able to say goodbye to you. I know I am responsible for everything that happened. I know you do not want to contact me again and what happened hurts my soul”.
Category :Sad phrases for Facebook

:: “Although you do everything to achieve your goals, sometimes it is not enough. It makes me sad to disappoint you, and I am sadder because I am to blame for everything”.
Category :Sad phrases for Facebook

:: “Rain mixes with the tears from my heart. I know it will stop raining soon, but I am not sure my heart will heal again”.
Category :Sad phrases for Facebook

:: “I know today is the saddest day I could have imagined. The person I loved the most is dead. The person who loved me the most is no longer with me”.
Category :Sad phrases for Facebook

:: “It is amazing to see that the same person who used to give me only happiness and joy when I saw her, now only gives me sadness and disappointment. All we could have achieved died that night because of your mistake”.
Category :Sad phrases for Facebook

:: “I know it is not possible to turn back time and imagine I never met you, but I think that would be the only way to think you do not exist and forget such a terrible deceit that makes me cry without stop”.
Category :Sad phrases for Facebook

:: “Hopelessness does not wait to be invited; it comes in and darkens everything on its way. It is friends with the sorrow you gave me with your falseness and betrayal”.
Category :Sad phrases for Facebook

We hope these sad statuses phrases for Facebook help you express what you are feeling now. Remember that although sorrow moves and destabilizes, optimism and the will to live must always move us on.

Image: tungphoto /

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Tags:Sad phrases for Facebook,sad status in facebook,feeling sad,sad phrases for Facebook, most sad phrases for Facebook,sad phrases,most sad phrases,sad

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